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africanbeauti: I still call Australia home


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Hi Guys,

I have been reading all your interesting discussions-and thought its time to get invoved ;)

I have been in Aus for about 9 years now, and it was a really difficult transition..especially since I was only 16 when we came over. At first I was the most terrible teen you can imagine-no matter what my parents did I just wanted to go home....

It's been a long time since then though, now that I am more mature I realise what my parents have done for me-all the sacrifices! I am happy to say that even though I, like most of you, miss the Mother country soooo much-I am happy to call Australia home :D I still haven't been able to change my citiezenship yet..even though I know it would be the best thing to do...all in due time I guess (baby steps) :ilikeit:

New member,

africanbeauti :ilikeit:

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Welcome to the forum !! :lol::lol: I hope you will get all the info you need. Where do you live?



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Hi Aniena,

Thanks, I'm sure I will enjoy the forum-I definitely have been thus far :angry: I am livign in Cairns, North Queensland. I moved up here in March last year from Brissie with my boyfriend. We are really enjoying life in the slow lane :blink: The only thing is that the humidity has really kicked in now and we are in a world of hurt!! We cope by staying in aircon. and the pool all day...the only way we can survive.

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