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Selling our household items


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Howzit guys,

Anybody have some good ideas on how to sell stuff like funiture, appliances etc.

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We just drew up a list of everything we wanted to sell and the price we wanted for each item and let our friends and family go wild. We sold everything to either someone from work, friends or family.

You could go to Cash Converters if you're desperate but don't expect much.

Hope this helps :ilikeit:

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Where do you want to sell it, SA or Australia?

In SA I do not think you have many options. It’s the JunkMail, Die Lanbouweekblad, Farmer’s Weekly, or Cash Converters. By selling it yourself in SA, either as a garage sale or through JunkMail, beware not to be robbed or scammed. You can always bring as much over to Australia and sell off what you don’t need anymore. In Australia garage sales and community swap meetings are very common.

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Thanks for these ideas...

I'm making a list and sending it to all my friends and family.

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Before we left SA, we rented a 'stall-space', possibly a bit dodgy :D - in the part of the town centre towards the taxi ranks and sold a lot of stuff that way...I had to walk to the bank alone just to get rid of cash every few hours.. but this was in the Northern Cape, still safer there - and other half is VERY BIG, was like a security guard, we really needed every rand, now when I think back, we really went through a lot, but did not get that much for the bits and bobs in the end.

A little for things like washing machine, furniture, car and so on, but the small stuff I might just as well have given away. Also sold my plants and gave away. We had a container of good old wooden furniture shipped over to England, was R32 000, but worth it, also sentimental value (out of Africa) ;) . Will ship these stuff and little more again to Oz (one container), as it looks like furniture is expensive there.

If you are selling s lot of stuff, put some notices up in town / local paper and have a Sat or 2 with garage sales (not sure if its safe in your area).

Anyway Im waffling now, like they say :blink: .

Good luck ;)


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Where do you want to sell it, SA or Australia?

In SA I do not think you have many options. It’s the JunkMail, Die Lanbouweekblad, Farmer’s Weekly, or Cash Converters. By selling it yourself in SA, either as a garage sale or through JunkMail, beware not to be robbed or scammed. You can always bring as much over to Australia and sell off what you don’t need anymore. In Australia garage sales and community swap meetings are very common.

I want to sell my stuff here is SA and buy new in Australia.

I have heard from some friends and colleagues about these garage sales and swap meetings, sounds good if youre trying to get rid of stuff in Oz.

I have a very limited amount of space to bring stuff with me. aprox 3 cubic Meters.

That is why I wanna get rid of all my stuff here in SA.

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They won't give you much for your things.

We sold them a table top freezer which was a year old. We bought it for R1000 and they bought it from us for a R200. The next day it had a sold sticker on it...they sold it for R800.

If you're desperate use them.

Have you tried people at work from the tea lady up?

I sold some things to one of the cleaners at the school I was working at.

Happy selling

Gaille :ilikeit:

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Kim and I have made a list with prices.

We'll take the advice given here, we'll try sell it to Friends, Family, colleauges, etc.

I called Cash converters and they have come out to have a look at all our items, They seem quite thorough.

I was quite impressed, they will be giving me a guideline as to how much they will pay for my items today.

So... The worst case scenario = Cash converters bring their big truck, and remove all my stuff for me.

Thanks for all the great ideas.

This Forum is awesome!!!

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Best advice and this has worked for me.... make a list on excel with prices and email it to everyone. You will have your stuff sold within hours as everybody forwards it on to their friends and their friends. Couldn't believe it, most of our things was sold within a day, even our cars. <_<

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I want to sell my stuff here is SA and buy new in Australia.

I have heard from some friends and colleagues about these garage sales and swap meetings, sounds good if youre trying to get rid of stuff in Oz.

I have a very limited amount of space to bring stuff with me. aprox 3 cubic Meters.

That is why I wanna get rid of all my stuff here in SA.


Everyone's circumstances will be different for being either single, a couple or a family. Furniture/appliances are relative expense in Aus. Your converted rand value does not go a long way. We decided to renew most of our appliances 12 months before we came across (no import taxes). When doing this, check that the brand names are available in Aus. This is for maintenance and repair reasons.

Bringing a container to Aus at a cost of $8,000, was worth it. We have no regrets for this decision - from both a financial perspective and a sentimental point. Over the past year in Aus we did not have to replace anything except for a kettle & TV... and this was good for the cash flow.

Good luck!!

Edited by ottg
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