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Gawie: & Elize - Waiting for the OZ tide to take us out


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Hi there all,

Isn't it just funny how quickly one find all kinds of sites concerning destinations as soon as you are despirate to find a better life for yourself and loved ones....? At least here I've found something that will help us in our quest to OZ.

We went for our LSD trip in Sept. last year, but found it to be too little time to go and see every thing needed to see and do. So we are coming over again in April, this time I'm bringing my parent over with me for their LSD trip. This time we will be spending time looking at how day to day OZ life will affect us moving there.

My wife is a Dr, specializing in Obstetrics and Gyneacology and I'm a two way radio specialist. We first decided to move when she finished her GP year and we moved to the UK, but after a year in that dreadfull weather we decided to come back to SA. All though the money was good we just couln't addapt to their way of life (everything indoors).

So, Australia was the next place to explore. We enjoyed it so much that when we got back to SA, for the first time in my life, I wasn't happy to be back. It was then that I decided to convince my better 1/2 to move to Australia. So hopefully we will be there within the year.

It will be greatly appreciated, if there are any other Doctors that could give some advice on the work/move process.

See you all soon,


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Dear Gawie,

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your decision :huh: !!!

Ria is a GP and I suggest you contact her for more information.

Enjoy the forum.

Bye, Pippa! X

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Welcome Gawie,

I know exactly what you mean.

Our first LSD trip was to Germany. I was so depressed thereafter that I put the whole immigration idea on the backburner.(M husband is of German stock)

We then did an LSD of the USA and knew that it would just be TOO difficult.

And then we came for an LSD to Ozz.

Loved it from the first moment we arrived. Went home to sort out visa and were gone in under a year.

Good Luck this time round. :ilikeit:

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Thanx Pippa & QG,

Our only obstacle now is the 6-9 month period for her visa to be approved once she has finished her studies, this only starts in July..... So we will only get there by next year. All good things come to those who wait.

Does anyone know what my situation will be as I don't have any or recommended 3 year tertiary education under my belt? I do however have 15 years of two way radio experience and National colors in Cycling/MTB. What do I need to do? When we were in the UK I was allowed to work as long as my wife had a working visa, does it work the same in OZ?



Edited by Hendie
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Are these LSD trips effective? If someone were to come to SA, would you be able to show him everything in say, a month? What would you show them? A week in Cape Town, a week in Jhb, a week in Pta and a week in Durban?

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Hi daar Hendrik,

Ek voel maar net soos meeste mense eerder versigtig teenoor so 'n groot besluit. Ek weet nie hoe jy daaroor voel nie, maar ek is seker as jy 'n kar gaan koop neem jy dit vir 'n "test drive" om seker te maak dat jy wel jou geld en jou lewe in iets wil sit wat aan jou van waarde sal wees?

Die sogenaamde LSD trips kos niks as jy dit vergelyk met wat die res van jou lewe jou gaan kos nie. Jammer as ek dit met 'n kar vergelyk, maar deesdae kan jy nie meer 'n kar koop onder R100 000.00 nie, maar nog steeds neem jy dit vir 'n "test drive"... " 'n Trip nou OZ toe kos maar so min as R9000.00 vir jou vliegtuig kaartjie, die res kan jy vir net soveel budget dalk dubbel as jy baie wil sien en spend.

Die sogenaamde LSD trips is nie blind nie, jy ontmoet genoeg mense in daai tyd (insluitend SAners) wat vir jou die prentjie mooi inkleur oor die besluit om oor te gaan.

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Are these LSD trips effective? If someone were to come to SA, would you be able to show him everything in say, a month? What would you show them? A week in Cape Town, a week in Jhb, a week in Pta and a week in Durban?

I think so.

Can't explain it. But intuition plays a part.

You feel comfortable because it feels familiar.

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