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Polyanna: Day dreaming about Oz


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Hi to all....

I am relatively new to this site.... only joined on 2/1/2007.

To give you some background, I am a 34 year old mom of two boys aged 9 and 6 years. My hubbie is 41. We live in Krugersdorp, West of Johannesburg.

We have for the past 6 weeks researched various Visa options and are in the process of getting together paperwork to have my husbands trade assessed (he is an instrument technician). But because of the festive season, we haven't been able to do this successfully. Hoping this will change from next week when things are back to normal. Has anybody used the South African post office for sending doc's with success?

I do nothing but eat, sleep, dream, think and did I say dream, about Australia. Sounds crazy, but I have put up a map of the world and "kiss" Australia goodnight each night. My husband just rolls his eyes when I do this. We have spoken to family members about the possibility of emmigrating and have had both strange and positive reactions from them. I too used to say that "the grass isn't greener on the other side". This was jealousy, because others had the drive to do what I felt we couldn't. A friend of ours in Mackay sent me stats on the UN Human Development Report that show that RSA has dropped in ranking to 121 (out of 177 countries) in 2004 from position no. 98 in 1995. For those who want to read up on the stats, here is the website address


Can anybody help with recruitment websites with regards to trade positions, more specifically those employers who would look at employing outsiders? Most of the websites we have looked at, want applicants who are already in Oz.

Cheers for now

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Can anybody help with recruitment websites with regards to trade positions, more specifically those employers who would look at employing outsiders? Most of the websites we have looked at, want applicants who are already in Oz.

Hi Poly

just ignore that and apply apply and apply. My hubby applied for every possible job on ITSEEK.COM even if it stated that you had to have a visa or be in OZ. After much persistance he got a job with a 457 sponsored visa :ilikeit:

If it's your dream, don't let anything stand in your way :ilikeit:

You go girl. You dream long and hard enough...it comes true. Ask us we know :ilikeit:



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Hi Lindy-Lee

Thanks so much for your inspiring words and advice. Will definately get his CV off... and will be holding thumbs. We can't wait to get to Oz. The more we research, the more we know we have made the right decision. Hopefully, doors will open where they should.


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Hi Polyanna

Ek hoop jy verstaan afr want my eng is nie so goed nie. :ilikeit: Ek (32), my man (38) en twee kinders (seun 10, dogter 11) het ook so maand terug (na lank se wik en weeg) besluit ons gaan Australia toe. Hy is 'n Instrumentwerktuigkundige, ons is ook besig met sy TRA. Ek kan nie wag dat al die kantore in Australia weer oop maak dat ons kan aangaan met alles nie. Ons gaan 'n agent gebruik (bietjie duur) maar hulle diens is goed. Vriende van ons ( ook 'n Instrumentwerktuigkundige ) het na 'n jaar se gesukkel om werk te kry 'n agent gekontak. Hy het binne 'n maand werk gekry en vlieg nou in Februarie. Ek is nie goed met papierwerk nie, sal dit maar vir die agente los.

Ek hoop julle kry sommer vinnig werk.

Groete Wilna :ilikeit:

Edited by Hendie
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Keep kissing Australia to sleep each night, if it inspires you.

Just remember . . . . . Australia needs you.

Australia needs tradesmen who are hard working and well skilled.

Australia needs families too because the kids will grow up to become Aussies that will keep Australia going well into the 21st Century.

Your kids will be able to do any university course, get any government job, get any private job and do anything they want to do.

There is no BEE or Affirmative action here to stop them achieving.

Also, we are older Australians on our holidays right now.

We have been travelling around in a caravan and seeing all different parts of Australia (and there is a lot to see because you can squeeze SEVEN South Africas into one Australia!) and wherever me and my wife travel too, we could easily live there and enjoy the lifestyle.

Australia is so big and so varied that each part of Australia offers its own lifestyle . . . . tropical in Queensland (where we are right now!), lots of Outback in South Australia, picturesque in the mountains of Victoria, quaint and old fashioned in the island State of Tasmania.

It is all good!

Keep day-dreaming.

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mmm, :D you've got me dreaming now too! nice though, thanks! ;)

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Hi to all again and thanks for the replies.

Wilna - thanks for the kind wishes. I hope that you are able to emigrate as planned and that all the formalities of form filling and tests go well. Please keep me updated as to how your application is going.

Bob - We can't wait to see the beautiful country that is your home and will hopefully be ours soon. We have set a goal to be there by December 2007, although my hubbie is getting cold feet about leaving family behind and is doubting his decision. You hit the nail on the head when you speak about opportunities for our children. I realised today, that our decision to emigrate doesn't only affect us and our kids, but our future grandchildren. They too will be given the chance to live the "Aussie Dream". Please hold thumbs that all goes well, and if you are a praying man, some prayers couldn't hurt either. Thanks again for your response.

Bianca - hope your dreams are as good as mine. Shall I send you an Australian map too? Kissing Oz goodnight has become a family joke.

Cheers for now


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Bianca - hope your dreams are as good as mine. Shall I send you an Australian map too? Kissing Oz goodnight has become a family joke.
Hi Polly, I am reading some travel brochures and a book on Oz from Lonely Planet. Staring at all those maps. Crazy here too, but exciting. ;):D
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Guest Bronwyn

Hey Poly - You can use the Post Office but be sure to still use 'Registered Mail'. It is a LOT cheaper than Postnet but the docs will take about 2-3 days longer to get there. The Post Office will give you a reference number and a telephone number so you can track your documents.

Good luck & let us know how you get on! :blush:


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Hi Polyanna

In total agreement with Bronwyn's recommendation. We've forwarded all paperwork required for wife's assessment and registration through the post office and nothing got lost (knock wood!). Don't forget to register it and obtain that tracking number.

Kind Regards

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Welcome Polyanna

Like you guys we are also still here in South Africa "dreaming" about a new life in Australia. I have maps of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane against my study walls. I read 2 travel books on Australia with lots of pictures...

Discovery Insight Guide (ISBN 9812581685)

Eyewitness Travel (ISBN 1405314982)

And another book I can recommend:

Living and working in Australia

by David Hampshire


Kalahari.net link

ISBN 1901130800

I decided that if I decided to move to Australia I am going to do it wholeheartedly...after all it affects our entire future and I could just as well put my ALL into it. Don't do it half heartedly...take the decision and DON'T LOOK back. Walk by faith! He that doubts will undoubtedly be like a wave in the sea...especially when it comes to immigration.

We are with you in the same boat...and boy oh boy...this boat is going to get in Oz come hell or high water!!!

We are also just at the beginning (our VISA forms was only sent last week). Sometimes it feels asif I will never get there...as if all is just a silly dream...but then as things start falling into place and gets finished and submitted (I had to finish an Recognition of Prior Learning document of 100 pages in my case), you start gaining confidence...and soon realize...boy, look , I am walking on the water!!!

We go through depros and then periods of elation and excitement, but it is all part of the process of saying goodbye and cutting the emotional cords...you'll soon feel like an "Australian" temporarily in South Africa...


Edited by Swerwer
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hi swerwer, ons het daai boek gekoop (een op pic), en kan ook aanbeveel. Baie info op Net, maar darem lekker met boek in hand! :ilikeit:

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Hi Swerver

Thanks for the info on the recommended books. I will definately be buying them.

You have the right attitude going into Oz....its all or nothing.

Good luck with your VISA application. I wil be holding thumbs. :)

Now... I wonder what time the book shop opens...mmm


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Hi Poly,

Keep dreaming, and keep at all the paperwork no matter how much it seems. Most of all don't give up hope, the process can take a while and it can be pretty daunting. This is our third month in Australia and we are loving it. It's well worth it.

Be strong.



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