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Bridge: Two additional passengers


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I'd like to join all the other newbies in complimenting everyone on a wonderful site. <_<

I accidently found the site while we were still deciding to go "somewhere". After reading everyones input, the choice between UK, Canada and Oz was simplified.

I want to thank everyone for not just the rosy comments, but also the not so shiny truths about relocating. It really helped our decision making in so many aspects; where to live, agents or not, finances....

My IT guru boyfriend would call me a "Lurker" on this site and so I decided to "come out" and join the fun.


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Welcome abroad! By the looks of it, Centurion is going to be one heck of a lonely place one of these days. <_<

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Hi Bridge

Welcome to the web site and may you find the answers to all you questions here, if not juts ask I am sure someone here will be able to help.

We will have to book a Boeing pretty soon for every body from Centurion. <_<



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Welcome abroad! By the looks of it, Centurion is going to be one heck of a lonely place one of these days. :huh:


We're also from Centurion, the launch pad to OZ... :) Must admit, we've also been 'lurking' around, there's just so much info to absorb!

A definitive thumbs-up to the forum <_<

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Welcome to all the LURKERS! So glad you decided to show your faces!

Hopefully we will be able to assist you with any further questions that you may have..........

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Welcome! I was a lurker in my mis-spent youth as well, and then I decided that it looked like waaay too much fun was being had, so I joined in <_<

Bridge, Andre and Stephnie - glad you found the site and had the courage to come out! I'm sure you'll find loads of useful information here, but don't be afraid to ask questions of your own as well. We're all here to help, after all.

Bridge - what does your IT Guru bf do? I'm running a SAffer specific recruitment campaign at the moment for the company that I work for here (we're a software development / professional services org), so if he has those kinds of skills, PM me and let's see if I can help out?

Cheers - see you around


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