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Laptop mini inverter/car charger


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With my laptop battery being dead, thought of getting a mini-inverter/car charger for my laptop. Saw a Motoquip one.

Is it worth getting one or better invest in a new laptop battery?


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For laptops, the question is always, are you buying it to be mobile, and just how mobile at that?

If your laptop were to sit on your desk and never move, then a battery is of no use. However, moving around, a battery is almost a must.

We used an older Acer which had a dead battery... removed the battery and ran if off mains to run our Skype phone off. My laptop on the other hand, has to be mobile, especially with the move to Oz.


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There are inverters . . . . and inverters!

I don't really understand electricity, but know that inverters put out "waves" of AC current, some being only half a wave, while others (the best models) put out a full wave of current.

The cheaper inverters may well blow your computer to bits, as happened to mine in Sweden.

It'd be wise to switch the computer off and use them only to charge the computer battery up and then run the computer, unplugged to the inverter, on the battery rather than the inverter.

That is the safest thing to do rather than risk damaging the works of your computer by running it off the computer with an "el-cheapo" inverter.

Somebody may like to comment and explain how electricity is generated in an inverter and blow my advice to bits????

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