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Short Stay Accomodation


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Hi there,

I may be heading to Melbourne solo (without wife and toddler :santa: ) in February to find a job, and of course, that means needing somewhere barely furnished and affordable where I can base myself while going for interviews - for a few weeks; hopefully no longer than that.

Does anyone have anywhere they can recommend?



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The cheapest centra accommodation you will find anywhere in downtown Melbourne is to stay at a "backpackers". They are very popular, not the quietest, but the most affordable. Here is a google link to many, take your pick.


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We did the same thing - hubby came first alone and I stayed behing with the kids in SA. I found him shared accomodation in a flat with two others and it worked out really well. It was so much cheaper than renting a flat on his own and at least he had some company in the evenings and week-ends. His flatmates went out of their way to make him feel welcome and showed him around the city and even took him to see schools etc on the week-ends! When it was time for us to join him, he only had to give a week's notice and then moved out - no long lease or anything. Another advantage of going this route is that he didn't need to buy any furniture or anything as the flat was fully equiped with everything - he did take a towel and he was supposed to have his own bedding, but they let him use theirs until he got sorted.

We found the shared accomodation on the internet - just Google it and you will find numerous sites. A word of warning - don't send a big deposit unless you have someone who can check it out for you first. The flatmates were prepared to wait for my hubby's arrival before he paid them anything but not everyone will agree to that so you may want to stay in a backpackers first till you find somewhere.

Good luck!

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Lol @ Mara... I think my hubby is past the Backpackers...the days of seriously roughing it are behind us...heehee (I hope!)...he's no longer a young'in :(

africa@aus, that sounds like some great advice...gonna check it out now.

also...would house sitting be possible then do you think?

I'm sure I read a thread here at some stage with that advice...gonna look into it!

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Backpackers in Australia you can actually get a private room with bath, it is not all the hostel type thing only that you used to get, and much cheaper than a hotel usually. The house sitting thing, I think you may have a problem with, you need an Australian Police clearance, or so I have heard, I may well be wrong. Probably the best bet would be to find share accommodation.

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Heh... I'm not THAT old babe. :ph34r:

Thanks for the info Mara. I saw a workmate looking at Gumtree in SA for a flat to share today...and then I read what Africa2Aus posted... so I thought it must be a sign. :)

I found this: http://au.easyroommate.com

Looks like a great site, and great prices too. We'll be checking it out very closely in January.


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