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We are nearly there!!

Sarkie Scheffer

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Hi everybody,

My family and I went through the long road to 'freedom'. We are only waiting for the police clearance and then the chup in our passports!

This has been a long awaited road to finish, as we have done all the research and applications ourselves. Only at the right end of submission have we consulted a migration company, which did all the submission for us, which is great!

We will have our answers/visums hopefully end of February 2010.

In the meanwhile, housecleaning, garage sales and give-aways is on our list in S.A. While my husband starts to send out his CV all over to apply for the best possible job, as he is a .net specialist and IT manager.

The kids (3 boys) are very excited as they engaged in the migration process due to the medicals we have done. This dream come true is now part of their immediate future aswell.

I would love to get in contact with people who could give advise on little things /day-to-day preparation for Oz.



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Welcome Sarkie and family! In the same boat - isn't it amazing how much "stuff" a person accumulates? Good luck with the process!

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