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All our documentation has gone through and looking good. My qualifications as a teacher have just been approved. Flight for my husband has been booked. Roorentals have been booked for 4 weeks. Medical insurance done


Car hire


find an area to live

cancel water, lights, tv etc

Flights for my daugher and I

But we are getting there, it is all coming together slowly. Some days frustrating, but nothing a few amarulas will not fix at night. So Adelaide here we come in January 2010. Looking forward to it. Not looking forward to missing my great friends but hell will have to make new ones in our new home.

For those of you who are doing it like my family and I are, hang in there it does get better. Today is a good day

Belinda :D

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I can't wait for those "bad" days, sorting everything out and going through the chaos of moving to Australia!!!!!

Enjoy your last weeks with family and friends here and I wish you best of luck for Adelaide. When you start teaching there, please keep a space open for me........

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