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Stuart and Jill: Hi all! from the Forsyth's

Stuart and Jill

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Hello All

My wife and I are working professionals in our early 30's. We have one child, a little boy of six and we are applying to join up with family living in Melbourne.

We began our process in February and nobody prepared us for the amount of legwork, paperwork and running expenses of emigration. Our skills assessments came back positive in a shorter time than we expected and we have recently lodged our main application.

It is a difficult period for us as, although the agents through whom we have applied are reasonably confident we will be accepted, certainty at this point is not a luxury we have. We find ourselves in a bit of a limbo situation until we know however we are proceeding with trying to make contact with other South African migrants (Hi again :D ) and get a feel for Australia.

I'd really love to hear from some of you guys who have settled in Australia, Melbourne specifically, having family in Oz and access to the Internet makes the transition a little less daunting. Schooling is a very big worry for us and although we have managed to get Conlan into a nice school here I worry that it may be difficult to choose when we arrive. Also things like where to rent - what are the different suburbs like, which are more/less expensive ... so many questions.

Jill, my wife is a passionate horse rider and quite competitive in the equestrian jumping area - any of you with any experience about stabling, jumping, agistment or any other horse related ideas or information, please contact me so I can put you in touch with her.

I am finding the Flickr website a wonderful source of getting an idea of what Melbourne and surrounds look like and I can't wait for our LSD trip happening as soon as possible next year. In certain respects it is early days yet - hopefully in time I too will be able to post my good news on this forum and share my experiences with those beginning, or in, this difficult change.

It is nice to make your acquaintance - I'll see you around the forum.


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Dear Stuart,

Welcome to the forum! I suggest you contact Mara who stays in Melbourne and in my opinion an expert on Melbourne. :D

Good luck with all your plans. I wish you al the best!

Bye, Pippa! X

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Thanks for the recommendation Pippa, I have sent Mara an email.

This forum is such a great place - everyone seems so friendly and knowledgeable, I am really glad I found it.



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Hi Pippa, thanks for the recommendation!

Hi Stuart and Jill, I have sent you an email with my direct email address, feel free to send your questions.


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Hi Stuart and Jill

Our 16 year old daughter represents South East Queensland in Showing and Dressage.

She agists her horse(a 17 h thorougbred gelding) and has severely impoverished her parents.

You would know all about it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Stuart and Jill

Our 16 year old daughter represents South East Queensland in Showing and Dressage.

She agists her horse(a 17 h thorougbred gelding) and has severely impoverished her parents.

You would know all about it!

Indeed I would - Jill has ridden all her life and Conlan now has a keen interest. The price of owning and maintaining a healthy horse can be eye-watering.

Would you mind giving me some idea of what you are paying monthly to stable your horse?

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