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schoemie: Schoeman's on their way to down under.


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Hi All,

Here goes my first post.

At last, after almost a year we have our skilled immigration visa's. :D yipie

We currently life in Durbanville, Cape Town and I started job hunting in Sydney. We spend six months in 2000 over there and fell in love with it. Well it took long enough for us to get to this stage.

I am speaking to a few job hunting agents, looking to come over next year March. Seems to be a bit of trouble getting a job from here, I am in IT (Solution Architect) and my wife is a draftsperson. We have cant wait to finalize everything and come over.

Everything is still unclear, my wife and I spoke the other night, and as some of you might know, the questions/uncertainty (definitely not about coming over :D ) start:

Where do we life if we arrive?

Do we ship our stuff or sell it?

Will our three year old daughter adapt (afrikaans speaking) ?

Do I go over there for 3-4 weeks to find a job?



Any suggestions etc. welcome.


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Hi Anton

Welcome, and congratulations with your visa's! You must be pleased that the hard slog is behind you.

I live in Melbourne, so cannot help you with Sydney info, but I am sure some of the others will answer any questions you have, there are many of them in Sydney!


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Hi Schoemie

Good move!!!!

If I could give you my opinion, I would say go over as a family. Live the adventure together it's a new start for all of you.

I spoke to a friend of mine in Perth and he said the kids that age adopts fast, my son 3 picked up so many English words in 3 weeks I could not believe it.

"Sterkte ou maat"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,

Thanks for your replies and suggestions.

We've already looked at the Hills area to live in, schools and prices for renting (looking at some of the other posts about the Hills, it seems a very nice place to live).

The excitement is overwhelming :ilikeit: and we cant wait to come over!

We've even worked out a 'budget'!

We've started talking English with our 3 year old daughter, and we are amazed at how many words she's already learned!

Just waiting for the right moment to come our way, the right job ext.

Looking forward having a coffee-session in Sydney. :ilikeit:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Schoemie,

Congrats with the visa! So jealous, wish it were us that's moving Apr this year already :D

I just quickly want to know +- how long since you've received a positive skills assessment until granting of your visa?

We're hopefully going to get a positive skills assessment at end Jan and then we're going to apply for the 136 visa (working thru an agency "Immigration Alliance"). Is hoping to have a positive answer on the visa before end 2007 to optimistic?

Enjoy the LSD trip in March!


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Hi Pofstert,

Thanks, ja I think the hardest part is over for us, it now just looking for a job.

My wife and I both applied for skills assessment. I did at ACS and it took about three weeks, she did at VETASSES and that took a bit longer as they came back and asked for more information around her studies.

We logged with the immi department in April 2006, and got the visa's Dec 2006. The biggest thing for us was to get all the document together, birth certs, assessments etc. Our app was 120 pages. :ilikeit: We where also informed that we needed to go for the IETLS exams, which we handed in later (Jul 2006).

So it might be possible to get an answer by the end of the year or early next year. Good luck with the whole process and enjoy it. :thumbdown:


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Looking forward having a coffee-session in Sydney. :ilikeit: Schoemie

Ons sit solank die ketel aan..... :ilikeit:

Julle hoort gladnie 'n probleem te hê om werk te kry nie want julle het reeds 'n visa, en dit is vir werkgewers baie makliker om iemand aan te stel wat reeds 'n visa het as om iemand te moet borg of wag dat hulle visa goedgekeur word. As julle genoeg geld het om julle vir die eerste maand of wat te onderhou, sou ek voorstel julle kom in elk geval! :thumbdown: Ek stel ook voor jy PM vir Ajay - sy hoort vir jou te kan sê wat die aanvraag is vir IT Solutions Architects & Draftspersons (vir bietjie gemoedsrus....)

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