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Case Officer lost?


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Hi all, i was wondering if anyone with SA State Sponsorship and CO has officialy been notified that they have indeed lost their Case Officer?

We havent but my agents keep insisting that in all probability we have lost our CO and should NOT be planning on moving over in January 2011. ALL our docs are in including medicals and Police Certificate- we were sooo close to getting our VISA.

My wife is still positive and hoping we will still get it next year but i think chances are getting slimmer....i cant believe they couldnt just finish the applicants that already had CO's

What someone else said is true- How could DIAC ask for Medicals etc one week before the 23rd of September when the changed the priority processing system-

A bit down about this delay today as our stores rental contract expires end of 2010 and we had everything worked out to start a new life in 2011- How can i start a new business for just a year..aaaaaghhh !! :)

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We have VIC SS - and yes we lost our CO.

Even after submitting medicals and PCC's, as requested. We recieved an email only yesterday saying that they have assessed our application and as we are not on the CSL list we have to fall in with the processing priorities, thats no 5!

No one knew these changes were coming so all the CO's carried on as normal.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is highly likely that you no longer have a CO unless you are on CSL?

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Hi Odin

I'm really sorry for your situation. Thanks so much for your postings on your LSD to Adelaide, I really enjoyed reading it. At least you have the memories of your trip to keep moving forward and not to give up on your OZ dream. We're very blessed to have our PR visa and are heading to Adelaide early next year. Chin up, you never know when you might "turn the corner".

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Thanks Bev- all the best with your move ! - Ive started new businesses while building a house while my wife was pregnant and have moved house several times in my life, and did major renovations on the home a while ago, so this is just another one of those " 101 most traumatic things you can do in life"

LOL! ....so all the old sayings ring true. Lifes Tough, Lifes not Fair, Sh*t Happens, What doesnt kill you makes you stronger, Always look on the bright side of Life !, Count your blessings etc. etc etc etc :ilikeit:

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