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Live Hillsong Album recording 8th Nov, Sydney Entertainment Centre, Harbour St, Darling Harbour


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Hillsong Church is having a live album recording at Sydney Entertainment Centre, Harbour St, Darling Harbour. The recoding starts at 6pm, doors open at 5pm.

We go every year. The event is really encouraging and it is great to be around people who enjoy praising God in an exuberant manner. If you interested in meeting other Christians and want to be encouraged in your faith, I suggest you come along. If you enjoy good music, need encouragement or just want to have a bit of a sticky peak pop in, all is welcome.

To ensure you have a seat, tickets are only $5 per person which is fully refundable on the night (only after attending the event).

For more information please call (02) 8853 5355.

You can buy your tickets online from here http://myhillsong.com/livealbum

Due to the popularity of the event I would suggest that you try to get there by midday as your ticket provides you with a seat, but not a specific seat. The earlier that you there the better seat you get as it pretty much works on first come first serve bases. People fly in from all over the country to attend the event.

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Hi Sonnetjie

Dit klink heerlik! As ek daar naby was, sou ek defnitief wou gaan. Geniet dit!!!

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