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captain: Time to start over


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Hi everyone,

My wife and i have been discussing moving away from South Africa for some time now. Australia and Ireland were our two choices and Australia has won the vote. We want to start the ball rolling abd have discovered that it is quite a nerve racking experience from when one actually makes the decision Anyway we have have made our decision and thats it. I have heard nothing but positive feedback with regards to life in australia and the best way to start is joining in on this forum.

My wife and i have three teenage children, two boys and one girl. My wife is self employed and i am involved in site/project managent mainly with regards to Power Station Automation.

We would realy appreciate some direction we need to take and any Advice that may be able to speed up the process a bit.



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Welcome Paul, let me be the first to say HI (only coz Oz is still snoring :ilikeit: ) We are in a similar boat, were in the UK and have decided to move. You will defo get heaps of usefull info on this site. I'm not sure what the costs involved are from SA but with the exchange rate I'm sure its not cheap. But if you want it then its just one of those things. Good luck with your endevor.


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Hi Captain

Congratulations with your decision, I am sure none of you will be disappointed with life in Australia.

The very first thing that you have to do, is to apply for an unabridged birth certificate for each member of the family. You also need an unabridged marriage certificate.

After that it would depend on what visa you are applying for as to what documentation you will need.

Any formal qualifications that you have may have to be checked out by the relevant Australian authorities.

Ask you questions, you will probably get all the assistance that you need here.

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Hi Paul

From a self-employed mother of three teenagers my sympathies are with you. Re-locating is daunting, and your teenagers will not make it any easier.

But...things do settle down.

keep us posted.

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You won't regret your decision at all, this is an amazing country and your kids will blossom. Stick to your guns the ups make the downs worth it and you will all be fine.

If you have any questions, you have found the right place.

Good Luck

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Well . . . . the choice was pretty straight forward from an Australian perspective.

When sending any documents, I've hears that DHL is good. Things have been known to go astray in sending stuff thro' the South African Post Office and they can take a while to get to Australia.

By the way, you didn't mention what age your teenagers were?

Edited by Bob
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Dear Paul,

Congratulations on your decision and welcome to the forum! :(

The very first thing that you have to do, is to apply for an unabridged birth certificate for each member of the family. You also need an unabridged marriage certificate.

Mara is 100% correct! :D Apply for the unabridged birth- and marriage certificates for ALL family members as soon as possible, because it takes a while to obtain these. :whome:

Attached are the application forms for both mentioned unabridged birth- and marriage certificates. Ensure that the “unabridged” block is ticked.

Click here for a list of all the Home Affairs Regional offices.

Should you need to obtain these documents earlier, I suggest you contact Bunny Hop for expediting of the certificates. A lot of forum made use of them, but I believe one pay a premium for their services.

Good luck!

Lovies, Pippa! X



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Hi everyone,

My wife and i have been discussing moving away from South Africa for some time now. Australia and Ireland were our two choices and Australia has won the vote. We want to start the ball rolling abd have discovered that it is quite a nerve racking experience from when one actually makes the decision Anyway we have have made our decision and thats it. I have heard nothing but positive feedback with regards to life in australia and the best way to start is joining in on this forum.

My wife and i have three teenage children, two boys and one girl. My wife is self employed and i am involved in site/project managent mainly with regards to Power Station Automation.

We would realy appreciate some direction we need to take and any Advice that may be able to speed up the process a bit.



Hi everyone,

Wow what a response, thank you all VERY much. This is definitly a positive start to the whole process and i will start immediately with obtaining the relevant certificates. In the meantime are there any specific sites i could visit for more information regarding career opportunities.

Thanks once again



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Hi there

Have a look at seek.com.au, some of the recruiters are Hudson, Robert Walters, Jivaro, Hays and Precision Resourcing. I have found that we were pretty impressed and received many positive responses. Also look at Lester Associates. Also check out specific companies and send them your resume. Depending on what you do you might be able to get sponsored. I know companies like Unwired are always expanding and looking. If you can get sponsored it is great as you have the security of a job this end. Also once you are here apply for PR as once your kids turn 18 it gets harder.

Lastly never ever give up, you will find those that did get sponsored hung in there and now they are here.

Best of Luck

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Bob,

Thanks very much for the reply. Sorry about the delay im mine but i have been on a little bit of leave up to a few days ago. I have 14 and 15 year old sons and a 16 year old daughter. There are very mixed feelings about the whole move but moving more towards the positive side. I think i am now capable of anything having convinced three teenagers, two who are in love, that moving to another country is a realy good idea.

Well i have started the ball rolling and have applied for all the unabridged certificates i will be requiring.

Thanks and regards

Paul (Captain)

Hi Pippa,

Thanks so much for the info, i have contacted bunny hop and the documents are bieng processed. This is an amazing site


Paul (Captain)

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If you can PM me and give me a little more detail about what it is you actually do my hubby may be able to help out with a job and possible sponsorship. He is also in the High Voltage Protection business.


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If you can PM me and give me a little more detail about what it is you actually do my hubby may be able to help out with a job and possible sponsorship. He is also in the High Voltage Protection business.


Hi Colton,

Thank you very much for the response. I have attached a copy of my resume, i think this would be the best way to cover what it is i do.

Thanks and regards


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If you can PM me and give me a little more detail about what it is you actually do my hubby may be able to help out with a job and possible sponsorship. He is also in the High Voltage Protection business.


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