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Hi to all on the forum.

I have been on this forum for a while now and felt it was time to say hi. We lodged our 175 CSL in December 2008, got a CO on the 8th of Sept 09, did our medicals and are now waiting for our PCC's. What a ride! Thanks to all the info available on this forum we have done everything so far without an agent. I am hoping that I will also be able to make positive contributions to this forum, especially those needing advise on the application process.

So, we don't have our PR in hand yet, and the waiting continues. And furthermore, I have a husband that's still grappling with this whole process, so I have my work cut out for me! So glad that such a supportive forum exists, otherwise this would be a very daunting journey.

Looking forward to more conversations.


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Welcome, good times ahead.


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Welcome Onix!

I'm sure that once you've got the PCC's, you won't have to wait much longer for that visa.

It's quite a journey, but the end result I'm sure is worth it.

All the best!

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Welcome Onix !

Quite a few ladies around here trying to heave hubbies over the ocean - hope he sees the light !

all the best

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Hope you get here soon.

The process is worth the effort.

We have been here 4 months and would not go back if we have a say in the matter.

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Thank you all. Sunday morning at 4 in the morning our perimeter sensor woke us. My husband got up quickly and saw an intruder walking in our garden. He shouted at the man who looked in his direction, but carried on walking as if he owned the place. We phoned the security company, but by the time they got here the man was gone. Luckily nothing happened, but these kind of incidents just rekindle feelings of fear and reinforce our decision to get out of here. Even though were not all victims of crime, we are all victims of fear.

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Even though were not all victims of crime, we are all victims of fear.

Wise words! Often wonder about the long term impact of fear on the psyche of the nation!

Welcome to the forum and best of luck with the move!

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