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Helping picky eaters eat


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The article http://www.nourishinghope.com/HelpForPickyEaters.pdf has some good suggestion in helping picky eaters eat. It also mentions the affects of MSG on Children, what affect the shortage of Zinc has on, a person’s taste buds and how yeast over growth can limit a child’s desire to try different food groups. I know that in the article that they speaking about autistic children, but they have some interesting pointers that can be applied on a day to day to ones own children. They make a very interesting comment on the affect of gluten and casein addiction can have on a person. Personally I think the article can also be beneficial to adults to. I have a number of people in my world who as adults have problems with some of the above. They have some great suggestions in how one can encourage picky eaters to try new food groups. Have a read of page 3 to 5

Trust the article will be as beneficial to others as it has been to us.

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