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Mikec: The Carvalho Family


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Howzit guys,

We are a rather large family...Kim and I, 4 children.Dino(17) Kyle(13) Fabio(11) Nicole(9).

I'm taking serious strain trying to get this move to work for all 6 of us.

But I do believe that OZ is the best place on earth to make a future for ourselves.

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Hi Mikec

I do agree with you that it is a good place for a future, just hang in there ,go back to basics and take baby steps i am also taking strain but slowly does it keep posting if there are any further questions.



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Hi there, welcome to our cyber corner of the world - and hopefully, soon to Oz!! :wub: Most things we worry about never happen, so just breathe and take it easy...... all in good time...!! Good luck with everything!! :unsure:

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