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New to the foyer

Kim Rebecca

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Hi. This is my first time posting. We have just been granted our permanent residency visas! Hooray, it has has been a long road. We have also just found out that I am pregnant with our 3rd child and due in April. So we have decided to go and validate our visas in the next couple of months and then return here to have the baby. And we will plan for our permanent move a year from now. Our other alternative would have been to pack up and go by Feb which is just too soon. So although we will have to apply for a separate visa for the baby once it is born, overall it is the best option for us. We will probably go to Sydney. I look forward to browsing through all the useful info on this forum.


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Hello Kim,

Welcome to the forum, (is anyone left in Durbs ?)

congrats on the PR :blink: and on the pregnancy.

All the best with your plans,

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Welcome to the forum!

And all the best with your plans......

I see you are from Westville! Thats where we are! Are you happy in oz and have you settled easily? Must be a big change from westville!


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We live in a place that feels just like Westville, hundreds of trees and that same feeling of being at home.

We have settled really well really quickly, and I still sometimes feel the need to pinch myself and feel that its not a dream, I am indeed in Australia!

I completely love it here and hope you guys find happiness too.

In my opinon, get here sooner rather than later!

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Welcome Kim,

I'm sure you'll find all the info you need here on this forum, and make great friends too!

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Well welcome and congratulations on just about everything happening in your life!!! Seems like great times ahead, enjoy every moment!


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Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will have fun reading everything :ilikeit:

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We live in a place that feels just like Westville, hundreds of trees and that same feeling of being at home.

We have settled really well really quickly, and I still sometimes feel the need to pinch myself and feel that its not a dream, I am indeed in Australia!

I completely love it here and hope you guys find happiness too.

In my opinon, get here sooner rather than later!

The only reason we are holding off for a year is because we have a support network here for when the baby arrives. And being the third baby, I am going need all the help I can get. But I would love to just pack up and go!! But a year is not long and we have sooooooooooo much happening, I am sure it will fly by. We are off to sydney on the 12 nov to validate our visas. Very exciting! Where are you in Oz?

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