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1 Year in Brisbane


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Sorry that my post is a few days late, I should have done this on 22 September, but I'm happy to say we moved into our own house, and we didn't have internet for a few days. But, rather late than never.

It's amazing how much memories this day had for our family. We've been through so much, and we've accomplished so much in only a year. We really count our blessings! On the 18th of September, we received the keys to our new house, and exacly a year ago, our container left our home in South Africa. I remember the tears and that feeling of: "there goes my only posessions", as the truck vanished around the corner with all our earthly belongings. Never did we know a year later we will be the proud owners of our own house again.

I can tell many wonderful stories, but I started a blog last here, with pictures of our container being packed, so if you are interested in reading our story, and everything we've done, you are welcome to read through my blog.

Here is the address, and I hope for everyone still on their way it would be a big help in understanding everthing that's still going to happen.



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Had to chuckle as I could hear the tune to "their goes my only possessions" and remember having the same feeling !

Its amazing what one can achieve in a year. You would never have guessed whilst still in SA that you would have progressed so far in such a short time. Well done on settling in so well.

BTY your moggies Miki and Misty are adorable.

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Had to chuckle as I could hear the tune to "their goes my only possessions" and remember having the same feeling !

Its amazing what one can achieve in a year. You would never have guessed whilst still in SA that you would have progressed so far in such a short time. Well done on settling in so well.

BTY your moggies Miki and Misty are adorable.

Thanks!! My 2 cats are so wonderful!!!

Yes, we are really fortunate to have come so far in just 1 year.

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Gee, I remember your posts when your container was being packed...

And you leaving Lyn...

Thanks for sharing your blog with us.

Time really has flown by.

And I am loving it.

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Ja vriendin kan jy glo dis al n jaar dat ons saam die land binne gekom het. Ek het fotos op my blog ook gesit van daai dag toe ons 3 ure moes wag vir die vlug wat vertraag was. Voel soos n leeftyd terug, maar aan die ander kant voel dit asof dit nie eers 6 maande kan wees nie. My blog is


Happy anniversary!!!!! :ilikeit:

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We have only just arrived (on the 20th of September) but we are thrilled with our move. The Gold Coast and Brisbane both are such lovely spots. The Aussies we have encountered so far have been wonderfully efficient, helpful and friendly - and also ready with a quick quip to make you laugh. As we walked into Brisbane airport, there were 2 huge security guys putting on rubber gloves and my DH made some comment and the one guy looked at him and with a huge grin said “Just for YOU mateâ€. It was very funny. The parks, the countryside, the CBD, the beaches - it all just exceeds my expectations! I know it is very early days yet, but I honestly do not miss anything but family and friends. I would love to go back to SA for a holiday at some stage in the distant future, but have felt "at home" here since my first glimpse of the country as we flew into Sydney. I got lost the other night in Brisbane and started to panic as it was dark and I was on my own in a strange place - then I remembered that no one was likely to come up to my window with a gun, and just relaxed and followed my nose back to our apartment.

To any of you with doubts - if you are truly excited and committed to the move, you will find it a wonderful and exciting experience. I am so utterly grateful that this country has allowed us to come and live here. For me, it was "love at first sight" with Australia.


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