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Your First Vision of Aus


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Hi Everyone,

What has become an icon of Australian Entertainment, what movie makes people think that they know Australia after watching this movie and what did you think when you first saw the Australian movie " Crocodile Dundee" It is going to be shown on one of the Free to Air Channels tonight, I think at 21h30.

It would be interesting to hear from forumites as to what they thought of Australia when they first watched the movie, did you ever think that you would come and live in the place that was depicted in the movie.

Don't forget to watch it tonight, I know I will not, set my reminder already, Yeh, I know one could always rent the DVD, but then I would not post here and ask you to share your views.

:ph34r::ilikeit: :ilikeit:

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Yip Rajesh, thought to myself, yikes what a broad Aussie accent he had, do they all speak like that!

He was an exception to the rule...Lol this was over 20 years ago, and also thought to myself, hah,

that's one place I will never go, to hot, and dry.........yeah, yeah...never say never!!!!! :ph34r:


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