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Koen: Intro


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Hi I am here at last, what a complex route. I think there might be a bug here, because all the SAAustralia mail I have received while trying to register is sent immediately and automatically to the junk folder, I even set up another hotmail to see what was going on. Needless to say it also took awhile to realise it was in the junk folder to start with. I think hackers might be at work. Then I couldn't post after validating. I had no idea why, or how long it takes, so just kept trying once in awhile, until it worked. Phewww! I hope this isn't putting people off, it is quite a smookle getting through.

Anyway I am at last here, and finding reading through all the posts very interesting. I am in the same boat as a lot of people these days in SA, half an ear out to leaving and the other half trying to get on with day to day life where I am. But now that I am between jobs and I can afford, I am seriously taking the time to look at my options.


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Hi Koen

Yip, that is a really hard place in your life to be.

To go or not to go.......

Many of the others on the forum were so directly hurt by an incident in SA that there was no real decision. They just wanted to get out-the sooner the better.

For myself it took TEN years to finally decide that it would be better for our family personally to give it a go somewhere else.

My ONLY regret is that we should not have waited 10 years. We should have done it earlier.

Good Luck on your quest, and hang in with the forum. We all understand how you feel.

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Thanks Queenlander. Yes it is a hard one. Not only that but deciding where to go if you went and then which city. Even though I am still young and single I still have family here and it will not be easy, they will miss their golden boy.

I haven't been directly affected by anything here truth be told. But it doesn't mean I dont see it all around me. They installed cameras all over JHB (well not everywhere) down town, and the crime has dropped incredibly, some of the things on those cameras though and you wonder if this is your own country you are seeing. I will spare you the details.

I am just sad I might miss the world cup, but its approach is having a dramatic affect on crime control in certain areas. Me, I prefer hassle free living.

thanks for the welcome.


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