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I am searching the net for furnished accommodation but had a thought,

What is the availabilty of accommodation in and around Melbourne?

Would it be possible to land, with nothing pre-booked and check in somewhere, also we don't

want to be in one place for a long period of time, would really like to drive around and have a good

look at the areas for at least 2 weeks before committing to a rental.

We would only book for the first 2 nights and that would be near the airport.



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There is lots of accommodation available, but at a price. In order to find something affordable may take a bit more time. If you are willing to part with around $100 per night for a hotel room, then you would be alright, there are plenty of hotels/motels to stay at in all the suburbs. If you wanted to spend less than this, you will need to book soon, as it will take a bit of searching.

As the city is only 30 mins from the airport, you may be better off staying those first two nights at a city hotel, believe me there is not too much to choose from near the airport and apart from being either over the top expensive, they go to the other end of the scale and finding somewhere to eat, if you do not have a hire car could be another problem.

Here is a website for you to check out:


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