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Thought for the Day : 28th August 2009


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It's so easy to get discouraged when we're striving to do what God wants us to do.

We see others sliding by - taking shortcuts and they seem to have it all.

They reject God's way but good things seem to come to them anyway.

It's hard work to do the right thing, but, in the end, God's way is the best way.

When the time is right, God's blessings do come to those who do God's good will.

So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.

Galations 6:9

God bless, each and everyone of you!

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WoW Mara,

Thanks a lot for that thought.

You have restored my patients, maybe I have unfinished business to complete first.

Praise be to God, for he knows best :unsure:

Regards Kyto

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Mara, you are an angel!!!!!! Thanks almost like I have been told this directly from God!! Thanks for all your thoughts for the day it is so much easier to get through the "unknown" when you post these thoughts.

Thank You

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Thanks so much Mara.....boy how I needed to hear that right now! :unsure:


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Thanks, wonderful how things find their way to you when it is needed. When struggling there is always an answer waiting for you, we just need to open our eyes and see it. Appreciate the thought of the day.


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Thanks for writing guys, so nice to know there are others that appreciate these "thoughts for the day"!

I know that there are many days where the only thing that sustains me, is my faith!

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