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Gluten free & Diary free info


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Hopefully you can use the following list when you arrive in Oz

Here are some gluten free brands:

•www.orgran.com You mentioned you know about this one already. All there products are dairy, gluten free and vegan.

I use there all purpose and their self raising gluten free flour mixes and have had terrific results. Their buckwheat pancake mixes makes great waffles and also freeze really well. Orgran bread mix is really good. I use it for pizza bases. You need to put it dough between to pieces of wax paper/baking paper and role it out it is a bit fiddly, but it does work


•http://trialiafoods.com.au/gluten%20free known by the Brand name Eskal to a good range of gluten free products. They have great number of their products are also dairy free and are usually in the kosher section of the supermarket. Any Kosher product that is market parve is dairy free.

The Eskal Vanilla Tea Biscuits are make a great crust for tofu cheese cake.

The best gluten free cereal is


•http://www.whiskandpin.com.au/index.php?option=com_icommerce&page=categories&cat_id=15&return=option%3Dcom_icommerce%26Itemid%3D16&p=1 - Whisk & Pin – Gluten free muesli They also do a number of other gluten free products

•Maltabella (Sorghum porridge by Bokomo) http://www.bokomo.co.za/productData/prd64.pdf is also very popular you can buy it from Franklins or any South African Deli

•Red Star or Iwisa Mielie meal / white corn porridge is also very popular you can buy it from Franklins or South African Deli

•Freedom foods also do a number of gluten free cereal and usually in the health food section of Franklins, Coles or Woolworths or any

Health food store you can get a large selection of gluten free products.

Gluten Free bread

•The Naturis Organic gluten free Buckwheat bread is good. I prefer it toasted.

•Most of the gluten free community people have bread makers.

•The http://www.laucke.com.au/glutenfree.htm Easy Bakers Gluten Free All in One Quick Mix for Home Bakers! Also makes really good sandwich bread.

The following a natural gluten free staples:

•Brown rice

•Millet ( you cook it same way as rice just use stock to give it more flavour)

•Buckwheat ( you cook it same way as rice just use stock to give it more flavour)


•Buckwheat it has a lovely nutty flavour ( you cook it same way as rice just use stock to give it more flavour)


•Beans – broad beans, butter beans, bortelli beans etc

•Lentils – brown, red, yellow ect


Gluten Free Pasta:

•Organ buckwheat pasta really good

•We also buy a Berconia Brown Rice Spaghetti (350g) from Franklin’s that is very tasty. Hubby says it tastes like gluten pasta. You can also freeze it and it works well.

Other useful gluten free info In Oz

•I suggest you join the Australian Coeliac Society http://www.coeliacsociety.com.au/ when you arrive. Join the one in your state. They are very active in provide one with the latest info on gluten free products, research, restaurants ect that happening in the gluten free community. You need a letter from your doc to state you a celiac/coeliac or that you need to follow a gluten free diet for health reasons if you have not been formally diagnosed with coeliac disease see link for def http://www.coeliacsociety.com.au/dis-what.html

•The Coeliac Society do a magazine that comes out 4 times a year with great recipes and up to date gluten free info.

•If you want you can subscribe to the Organ Everyday Health Magazine they provide heaps of gluten free recipe ideas. I find the magazine really helpful.

•You can also join the coeliacaustralia@yahoo.com for free this private emailing group and not part of the coeliac society. Members share where they buy gluten free products, which products are great which are no good, recipes etc.

Diary free:

Good replacements for cow dairy products:

•Pureharvest Organic Almond Milk

•EcoMil makes a great Hazelnut milk


•Coconut milk

•Rice milk

•Soy milk

•In general I use Almond Milk or Hazelnut milk or coconut milk or soy milk in my baking to replace cow dairy products. Coconut milk are very high calories so I tend to use almond milk the most.

Replacements for Butter

•Grapeseed oil great for baked goods

•Margarine http://www.nuttelex.com.au/nuttelex-kosher/ great for baked goods

Replacements for Cow diary cheeses and yoghurt:

•Don’t know if you know if you casein or lactose intolerant or both. In some instances people that can’t have cow dairy can sheep milk products.

•Kashkaval cheese by Kebia it is sheeps milk cheese it is very handy everyday cheese and has a lovely sweat milk flavour.

•Caprakaas by Delre also a great sweet milk flavour.

•Bulgarian Feta by Kebia is also really good

•Meredith Sheep’s Milk yoghurt http://www.meredithdairy.com/allproducts.html is also very popular in our house. I can’t have any of their other blue cheeses or goats curd etc because I react to it. The yoghurt seems to work well for us.

•Organic silken tofu by King Land is excellent replacement for cream in Guacamole dip

Hestie Hope the above info makes your transition from SA to Oz a lot easier.

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Thank you Sonnetjie ::blink: yes:

You're proof that the 'sun' still shines, can't wait to move to Oz.


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