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Jenn: New to the forum - LSD to Brisbane vs Gold Coast?


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I am new to this forum and would appreciate some advice and tips from you. My lists of questions seem endless but any feedback would be most welcome. Am sure the same questions have been asked before but not quite sure how to find them quickly as there are lots of postings.

We are coming to Australia on a QLD Business Skills (Provisional) 164 visa. Would be great to hear from anyone who went on visa 164 and get feedback how they coped/are coping until can apply for PR in 2 years time or anyone awaiting their visa 164.

Have mixed feelings: excited that visa 164 (the only one we were eligible for) will get us a foot in the door but also apprehensive that it will not be easy especially that we aren’t entitled to access Australia’s national health insurance scheme and no support for schooling amongst others.

We are planning an LSD may be Sep or Oct this year (any idea if Brisbane or Gold Coast better to settled down? Is a week enough to drive around and get a feel?) but am not too sure about the timing we get to do the following before getting penalties. Is it when going on LSD (visa activating/validating trip) or when going on a one way ticket (emigration trip)?

Apply for a Tax File Number

Register with Medicare (aren’t entitled to this) / Private medical insurance as incur penalties or higher premium for every year over 30years??

Open a Bank Account (any suggestions which one?)

Register with Centrelink (aren’t entitled to this)

Apply for a Driver's Licence (think can drive on SA license until get PR?)

Enrol kids for school

Rent a house

Buy a car

Which of the 'big four' banks (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia (NAB), ANZ and Westpac) would you recommend opening an account with? How good is the service? Would prefer if offer online banking, have nationwide branch network with very wide ATM access (in most shopping malls).

What is the best option (that incurs the least charges/commissions) to take up the travel allowance and/or immigration allowance to Australia? Is it bank transfer (who gives better rates?), load your credit card or traveller’s cheques (Westpac seem to be the only one that cash them commission free) or bank draft? Anybody using Treasury One?

We are undecided whether to come with maximum luggage allowed with IOM and buy everything in Australia which would mean spending our limited FOREX or fill up a container with all the white goods and stuff (bed, linens etc) that are quite expensive in Australia. I’ve contacted a few international movers a few weeks ago to quote a full 20ft container door to door JHB-Brisbane to have a basis of comparison.

Quote include all wrapping of furniture and packing of boxes, exclude quarantine inspection cost approx AUD400 and optional insurance cost (‘total loss’ insurance which is 1.5% and ‘all risks’ insurance which is 3.5% and I was told the approx value of effects of a 20 ft container range from R250,000 to R300,000).

Company Price

Biddulphs 41,682.00

Bayley 44,975.00

King International 45,000.00

Magna-Thomson 48,283.00

Pickfords 51,455.00

Cargopak 51,735.00

Stuttaford Van Lines 55,000.00

Frasers 55,000.00

Elliot International No reply

It is quite expensive and am not sure if we should try the cheapest, Biddulphs so far or go with what seem to be the more popular which I think may be Magna Thomson. Your feedback on movers used in terms of customer service and experience and which insurance type did you opt for (as the figures keep adding up) and if there is any other cost I should take into account will be much appreciated.

Since we will not benefit from medicare, appreciate recommendations on private medical insurance company and what plan/cover. Would be great if they cover surgery and hospitalisation, pregnancy stuff, optometrist, dentist, orthodontist, chronic (diabetes, blood pressure) etc. How good is the service, how fast get refund, % refund over claim amount, limits etc? Having a 3 year old will mean going to GPs/doctors/paediatricians for the usual cold, ear infection etc. How good are they? How easy is it to get prescriptions and what is is the dispensing fee?

We are looking at renting our property in SA while we are in Australia until get a better price. If anyone can recommend a good rental agent who is reliable, trustworthy to manage rent collection and make sure tenant look after the place (don’t want the additional worries of unpaid rent etc while we are trying to settle down and making ends meet) etc. Anybody using Dejanique?

Hopefully we will be able to get a job when we are actually in Australia which will then enable us to apply for ENS or PR sooner. When looking for a job, do employers or job agents ask to have your skills and/or qualifications assessed (am in marketing) by an Australian assessing body for your profession?

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.


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Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum, Jen! Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? :ilikeit:



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Welcome to the forum Jennifer!

I will try to answer some of your questions.

You can drive on your SA license provided it is still valid (hasn't expired) until you get PR, then you have 3 months to convert to an Aussie one.

You can open a bank account online and then just activate it during your LSD trip.

It's probably best to try and enrol the kids into a school while you're over on the LSD, have a look at some of the schools online and have a list so you know exactly which ones you want to go to when you arrive.

As for the household goods, people on the forum seem to be a bit divided about this. We're taking all our goods with as we have figured out it's going to cost us far more to replace everything there. Also, I want my own things in my house, but that's just me. Some people on the forum arrived in Aus with nothing more than their suitcases and now live in beautifully furnished homes. I guess it just depends whether or not you're willing to start from scratch. If you have great furniture, I would recommend to take them with, especially if you're limited with the amount of money you can take over.

Hope that helped a bit. You can ask about TAX in the money section, I'm sure there will be someone there to help you out.

All the best!


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Apply for a Tax File Number You need to go in person to ATO to do it quickly

Register with Medicare (aren’t entitled to this) / Private medical insurance as incur penalties or higher premium for every year over 30years??

Open a Bank Account (any suggestions which one?)

Enrol kids for school You need to first decide where to live, see the Australian schools directory on this forum for a start

Rent a house A week may be a tough call to do this

Buy a car

Which of the 'big four' banks (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia (NAB), ANZ and Westpac) would you recommend opening an account with? How good is the service? Would prefer if offer online banking, have nationwide branch network with very wide ATM access (in most shopping malls).

What is the best option (that incurs the least charges/commissions) Direct transfer to an Aussie bank is cheapest by quite a bit, but you need to visit a branch in person here with 3 forms of ID to activate the account. Open the account from there and transfer, but bring some cash for a few days at least

Cheaper to bring your own stuff

Quote include all wrapping of furniture and packing of boxes, exclude quarantine inspection cost approx AUD400 and optional insurance cost (‘total loss’ insurance which is 1.5% and ‘all risks’ insurance which is 3.5% and I was told the approx value of effects of a 20 ft container range from R250,000 to R300,000).

We used CROWN next to the N3 in Midrand, they have a branch in Brisbane and included several things that are extra with many others. Do your own inventry to get an accurate value, it takes a bit of time but saved us a lot

Since we will not benefit from medicare, appreciate recommendations on private medical insurance company and what plan/cover. Would be great if they cover surgery and hospitalisation, pregnancy stuff, optometrist, dentist, orthodontist, chronic (diabetes, blood pressure) etc. How good is the service, how fast get refund, % refund over claim amount, limits etc? Having a 3 year old will mean going to GPs/doctors/paediatricians for the usual cold, ear infection etc. How good are they? How easy is it to get prescriptions and what is is the dispensing fee? In Brisbane we have found a good few doctors that charge medicare bulk bill rates, insurance or cash will be $45 or there abouts. Go to www.iselect.com.au for a good start

Hopefully we will be able to get a job when we are actually in Australia which will then enable us to apply for ENS or PR sooner. When looking for a job, do employers or job agents ask to have your skills and/or qualifications assessed (am in marketing) by an Australian assessing body for your profession?

many will insist on paperwork. Official paperwork is a big thing here. Get it done ASAP, even bring it with you and get the ball rolling on the LSD.

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply. If you need some help when you come, to get to places from Airport let me know


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


About your Medicare question. The LHC loading (of 2% per year) kicks in if you do not take out private healthcare cover within 12 months after you become eligible to join medicare. As you are not eligible to receive Medicare benefits, you dont have to worry about this "penalty" untill such time as you join Medicare.... then you still have 12 more months to get private healthcare cover to avoid the LHC loading.

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Hi Jenn

We moved two years ago, and these removal companies were more than willing to negotiate. (Especially Frasers) Try some negotiating skills, and see if you cant get a better quote.


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  • 3 months later...


Can't believe that time flies and we have sorted most of the above issues and are now at the stage of packing our personal stuff for shipment in a week's time.


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I am new to this forum and would appreciate some advice and tips from you. My lists of questions seem endless but any feedback would be most welcome. Am sure the same questions have been asked before but not quite sure how to find them quickly as there are lots of postings.

We are coming to Australia on a QLD Business Skills (Provisional) 164 visa. Would be great to hear from anyone who went on visa 164 and get feedback how they coped/are coping until can apply for PR in 2 years time or anyone awaiting their visa 164.

Have mixed feelings: excited that visa 164 (the only one we were eligible for) will get us a foot in the door but also apprehensive that it will not be easy especially that we aren’t entitled to access Australia’s national health insurance scheme and no support for schooling amongst others.

We are planning an LSD may be Sep or Oct this year (any idea if Brisbane or Gold Coast better to settled down? Is a week enough to drive around and get a feel?) but am not too sure about the timing we get to do the following before getting penalties. Is it when going on LSD (visa activating/validating trip) or when going on a one way ticket (emigration trip)?

Apply for a Tax File Number (you can do this online @ http://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/content....ntent/38760.htm

Register with Medicare (aren’t entitled to this) / Private medical insurance as incur penalties or higher premium for every year over 30years?? We got our Medical insurance through Iman and got it all sorted from S.A so when we set foot on Aus soil we were covered. www.austhealth.com

Open a Bank Account (any suggestions which one?) We opened an account from S.A with Commonwealth all online. We transferred all our funds to our new account and only got some travellers cheques and cash, once we got here we went into the branch to activate our account and got our cards posted within a few days.

Register with Centrelink (aren’t entitled to this)

Apply for a Driver's Licence (think can drive on SA license until get PR?)You can drive on your S.A licence, but on getting PR you only have 3 months to convert. My advise, go for your licence as soon as you get here, then there is less stress around the time you get PR.

Enrol kids for school - You can do this only once you have proof of address to prove you live in the school's catchment areas. If you decide on the Gold Coast I can advise on all the good schools in the area, Brisbane I have no idea.

Rent a house - It's easy enough to rent a house once you're here. Obviously it's easier if you live near the school or work, so maybe sort out the jobs and schools first, as good schools are not easy to come by! Nice accommodation is found easily!

Buy a car - No problem you can buy a car cash or HP, there is lots to choose from, cars here are inexpensive.

Which of the 'big four' banks (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia (NAB), ANZ and Westpac) would you recommend opening an account with? How good is the service? Would prefer if offer online banking, have nationwide branch network with very wide ATM access (in most shopping malls).

What is the best option (that incurs the least charges/commissions) to take up the travel allowance and/or immigration allowance to Australia? Is it bank transfer (who gives better rates?), load your credit card or traveller’s cheques (Westpac seem to be the only one that cash them commission free) or bank draft? Anybody using Treasury One?

We are undecided whether to come with maximum luggage allowed with IOM and buy everything in Australia which would mean spending our limited FOREX or fill up a container with all the white goods and stuff (bed, linens etc) that are quite expensive in Australia. I’ve contacted a few international movers a few weeks ago to quote a full 20ft container door to door JHB-Brisbane to have a basis of comparison.

Quote include all wrapping of furniture and packing of boxes, exclude quarantine inspection cost approx AUD400 and optional insurance cost (‘total loss’ insurance which is 1.5% and ‘all risks’ insurance which is 3.5% and I was told the approx value of effects of a 20 ft container range from R250,000 to R300,000).

Company Price

Biddulphs 41,682.00

Bayley 44,975.00

King International 45,000.00

Magna-Thomson 48,283.00

Pickfords 51,455.00

Cargopak 51,735.00

Stuttaford Van Lines 55,000.00

Frasers 55,000.00

Elliot International No reply

It is quite expensive and am not sure if we should try the cheapest, Biddulphs so far or go with what seem to be the more popular which I think may be Magna Thomson. Your feedback on movers used in terms of customer service and experience and which insurance type did you opt for (as the figures keep adding up) and if there is any other cost I should take into account will be much appreciated.

Since we will not benefit from medicare, appreciate recommendations on private medical insurance company and what plan/cover. Would be great if they cover surgery and hospitalisation, pregnancy stuff, optometrist, dentist, orthodontist, chronic (diabetes, blood pressure) etc. How good is the service, how fast get refund, % refund over claim amount, limits etc? Having a 3 year old will mean going to GPs/doctors/paediatricians for the usual cold, ear infection etc. How good are they? How easy is it to get prescriptions and what is is the dispensing fee?

We are looking at renting our property in SA while we are in Australia until get a better price. If anyone can recommend a good rental agent who is reliable, trustworthy to manage rent collection and make sure tenant look after the place (don’t want the additional worries of unpaid rent etc while we are trying to settle down and making ends meet) etc. Anybody using Dejanique?

Hopefully we will be able to get a job when we are actually in Australia which will then enable us to apply for ENS or PR sooner. When looking for a job, do employers or job agents ask to have your skills and/or qualifications assessed (am in marketing) by an Australian assessing body for your profession?

Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to reply.


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Hi Jenn

welcome.. just wanted to say that the Gold Coast has a huge south african community.. and most people we meet seem to be from KZN..

in my opinion its very similar to Durban.. climate wise too, so perhaps thats why there are a lot of durbanites living here..

we are fortunate in that both myself and my husband have ex school friends living within a few km's of us..

good luck, its a great place to live.. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


sa2uk2oz: We made that observation on our LSD, similarity people wise, climate etc.


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