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LiezelM: Going to Aus!


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Hi Everyone

We are Charl and Liezel and as all of you, want to move to Australia, Sydney NSW specifically (as my husband's Mom and stepdad already stays there). We come from Jhb, and moved to the Seychelles earlier this year, where my husband got a 2 year contract in the IT Telecommunications industry. We also moved our 4 cats (of which we now only have 3, the eldest one disappeared :ilikeit:

We want to move to Aus from here, as the cats' quarantine is only one month coming from the Seychelles, but I understand that there is currently a 5 months waiting list to book? Is this really the case?

We are very excited B) and are looking at all our options to get into Aus next year if possible, so any advice would be welcome. Unfortunately we cannot stay in the Seychelles for another 2 years, and going back to SA to start again, take the cats back, and then start again in Aus is just not an option for us at the moment. I've read a lot on this forum already, and it's so nice to see conversations of people who are in the same boat as us. :whome:

I haven't told my family yet, as they flipped a year ago when we said we were thinking about it, and I'm dreading it this time, so any advice there would be very welcome please!

Oh, I am a market research analyst who worked for ACNielsen in SA, as Account manager, so anyone in the marketing industry in Sydney, please let me know how it is there?

Anyway, that's all for now :)

Chat later


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Welcome Liezel

Telling the family of your decision to possibly not return is difficult, but you have already been gone a year. perhaps they are sort of expecting it?

Hope all goes well.

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Thanks so much! Yes, the family do kind of expect it, and although we've been gone for a while already, we went back to SA to get married (in die wonderlike Drakensberge, DIS iets wat ek gaan mis!), and my Mom and brother are coming over in 2 weeks' time for Christmas and New Year, so I have seen them a lot...hold thumbs for us! :ilikeit:

Well, the cats are going for the blood tests next week, already got the export permit for the blood, which has to go to Onderstepoort from here, and we've contacted Etienne Hugo (who turned out to be a family friend of Charl's uncle :ilikeit:

Things are on the roll :whome:

Looking forward to chatting to you girls more :D



"Nobody ever got anywhere by being scared all the time" Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

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Welkom Liezel, hoop jy voel sommer gou tuis. Wow kan nie glo julle bly in die Seychellles nie, dit moet seker heaven wees of hoe?

Jy's baie gelukkig dat jou babies net 1 maand kwarentyn hoef te doen. Myne het so maand terug uit kwarentyn gekom en ek geniet hulle so nou. Kan nie glo hulle is by my nie.



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Welkom Liezel, hoop jy voel sommer gou tuis. Wow kan nie glo julle bly in die Seychellles nie, dit moet seker heaven wees of hoe?

Jy's baie gelukkig dat jou babies net 1 maand kwarentyn hoef te doen. Myne het so maand terug uit kwarentyn gekom en ek geniet hulle so nou. Kan nie glo hulle is by my nie.



Baie dankie Dedrei :whome: Yip, die Seychelles is amazing! Dis VREESLIK mooi hier, en ek was nog altyd 'n beach girl, so dis vir my absoluut heaven!

Ja, ek is baie bly dat hulle net 'n maand kwarantyn moet doen, maar die 1 kat se rabies vacc het gister verval, so ek moes hulle al 3 in vat vandag vir updated rabies vaccs, en dan oor 'n maand die bloed toetse doen. Toe hoor ek nou vandag dat die veearts hier nie die ander vaccs het nie (feline etc etc), so nou moet ek plan maak om die goed hier te kry via my Ma was vlg week kom, so ek is nou oppad om my veearts in SA te bel. Hou vir my duim vas :ilikeit: Die Seychelles is so 20 jaar agter SA, wat my nou begin irriteer, so ek sien uit daarna om na 'n 1ste wereld land toe te gaan waar mens nie hoef te baklei vir goed nie (kos).

Shame, ek weet nie hoe jy dit gehanteer het om jou kinders so lank weg te he nie. Maar ek sien jy het gese in 1 van jou ander gesprekke dat dit die moeite werd is...Jy is seker bly jy het hulle daar vir Kersfees :)

Elk geval, moet gou weer 'n paar emails doen vir die storie, chat later



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Hi daar! Wow! Wat 'n voorreg om een eiland vir 'n ander een te verruil! :unsure::wub::wub: Ek hoop al julle planne werk uit en dat julle en julle katte binnekort 'n nuwe strand sal hê om op te kuier! Moenie te veel stres oor die familie nie - na 2 jaar sal hulle gewoond daaraan wees dat julle nie meer daar is nie, en dit sal nie so 'n groot reaksie ontlok soos die eerste keer nie... (hopelik! :) ) - Op die ou einde is dit 'n keuse wat julle vir julle SELF moet maak en almal gaan nie noodwendig mal wees daaroor nie. Dit is JULLE toekoms - JULLE keuse!! Sterkte!! :D

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