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Hi Guys

I am new to the forum, my Wife and my 2 year old Son will be joining me on this journey, we are looking to move to Canberra. The forum looks great and very informative. Got all our unabridged docs, busy looking at seek.com.au for work and some other sites, hopefully get a State approved Visa.....hold thumbs for us......and also any pointers would be much appreciated..

Thanks guys

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Thanks guys.

Just hope we can get everything rolling very quickly as we need to get out of SA ASAP, I cannot sleep at night anymore because of the crime, I lay awake at night and praying that something terrible does not happen to my Family, I literally get only about 2 hours in,we are too scared to go to town these days.... I cannot handle this jail sentence anymore

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Hi Trace,

Welcome. Glad you found us. Remember the search function is your friend (cause its not mine) but otherwise ask away.


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Hi Trace,

Nice to see some more Lowvelders headed this way. Hope all works out soon!


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Welcome to the forum Tracerr and family!

All the best with the job hunting and getting the visas!

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Welcome, we have just been through the state sponsored 176 Visa, so if you have any question, just shout.

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Thanks guys, we are looking at Camberra and also Melbourne, VIC, my feeling is to go for Melbourne especially being in the IT industry,hope all plans out and also trying to get the 176 state sponsored visa, damm but it's a lot of money for the container, Visa , flight tickets.........busy saving up as we go, unless we get a company willing to pay these fees, I do not mind to have to work for them until the dawn of time.....lol just want to get out ot South Africa, I do understand that every country has it's problems but SA in my eyes is a problem.

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A big forum welcome from Canberra !!

All the best with your journey down under.

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Hi there, welcome to the forum.

Fire away if you need help, there's always someone with good advise and tips.

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Thanks guys I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.....he he , just glad to have some support. An agent has contacted me and want to help out from through this site, so lets hope we can get the ball rolling

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It all depends,

My personal view is, if your application is straight forward, then you can easily do it yourself. If you get stuck, you can always ask someone on the forum for advice and it saves you plenty of money in the long run. All the documents and check lists you need is on the immigration website:

Immi Website

There are people who have some difficulties such as age and they have made use of agents, some who are wonderful and very helpful.

If you decide to use an agent in the end, please just make sure you use one that's MARA registered. You can view registered agents on their website:

Mara Registered Agents

All the best with your decision!

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Welcome and all of the best


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to use a agent or not?that is the question

Hi Trace

We have been through two visa applications 457 and ENS856 both times we did it all ourselves, it took a lot of time and dedication and patience, but it paid off in the end, saving us lots of money.

Wishing you well.

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thanks for the reply

the agents fee is like $1000 is it not worth it?then there is still visa fees, flight fees,container,living costs for 1st month etc, and yes my application is straight forward,just don't want to slip up on anything that is all, I think I am too stressed to think clearly hense the agent

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