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DeKlerks: on the way


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Hello All

This is my first topic of introduction. Hope I did it correctly. I'm still a Rookie

Ek het verlede week per toeval op die site afgekom (wonderwerk) nadat ek nou al maande op sekere van my AU vriende se nek lê vir budgets, watter areas is die beste, hoeveel het ek nodig om te survive, ens. Soos al die discussions op die site.

Maar dankie vir al julle hulp tot dusver (nog net een week, die naweek lekker gelees) en vir al die hulp verder. Dit sal ons verseker help.

A short background. I'm currently 38, wife 39, 2 sons 11 and 13. As you can see, time is running out. We took the big decision the beginning of this year. Firstly I've applied online all over AU for work, but nothing. The second thing we did was to see a agent in June this year. We've did the IELTS test (very stressfull, but passed) and all the paperwork of qualification assessments, ID's, Birth, marriage certifcates, etc . So were are we now?. Still far from AU and a lot of stress to come. But some paperwork has been done. We are coming over on 136 skilled visa (if successfull). According to our agent that is the best for us, but it will take longer.

Initially we want to go to Brisbane and Perth. But currently my scope is on Perth and surroundings. Got a job offer at Geraldton a few months ago. Some people said NO it is to far out. To Windy. Another maybe from Albany. An interview tomorrow(5 Dec) morning. Also to far out? At this stage I'm trying to get in as quickly as possible.

I will keep you posted on any issues to come.

Any previous discussions on:

- the container issue? I've got a quote of R37000 for a 6m container to Perth AU. Is it really worthwile bringing my old stuff over for that amount.


De Klerk Family

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Hi . . . . from Australia!

I think "Bronwyn" did an article on this topic. Her husband, Stephen, priced out what it would cost to replace all the items left behind, since they were like you and contemplating leaving their stuff behind and buying new once they arrived, thus saving on the container costs.

It worked out at about R100,000 to replace. . . . . you will have to check the post under Bronwyn's name.

If your stuff is very old and not likely to last much longer anyway, I guess you could put the R37,000 toward new stuff in Australia.

However, I always tell newcomers that ANYTHING which is from the family, any item given to you by a family member, etc. should be taken as it is irreplacable and cannot be bought here in Australia. It is for you to take it and hand it on to your children / grandchildren in the years to come.

Also, Perth housing is getting very expensive, so you may want to consider an alternative to Perth if the cost of accomodation is too much. Geraldton is a long way, but maybe housing is affordable there. Every place has its good and bad points to consider.

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