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Another newbie jumping in without a map or compass


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Hi everyone, I spent the past four weekends reading up and researching as much as I could about the emigration process and this site has been a tremendous help so far. After spending 8 straight hours a day going through forums and printing out a whole stack of research, my head was spinning. It's so encouraging to find other people who are also in the process or who are starting the process of emigrating, makes the whole thing seem a little less daunting.

I am busy trying to get as much info together as I can as my boyfriend and I are going to do the application process ourselves instead of going through an agent. Because of this, it means doing a lot more digging around so we actually know where to start and what to do. We'll be going on a 175 and on his job skills, which fall under computer specialist if I recall correctly. I already know what documents are required and we have the docs for his skills assessment etc. It just seems overwhelming when there's no actual point by point guide of how you should go through all of this, I would really like to meet other people who are also going at it solo so we can learn a bit from each other.

But for now, I'm just glad to be here and hope to meet some great people :ilikeit:

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Hi, Jexx, very much welcome on the forum ! After a while we so much feel like family and you'll meet some great friends along the way. Enjoy the company, it's invaluable - as you've already found.

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Hi Jexx,

Welcome to the forum. The closest I can think of is

http://www.saaustralia.org/index.php?showtopic=9251 for general info

and for 175


The process of the 175 is a long road (the longest of all the visas) so we look forward to journeying with you over the next couple of years.

As you need answers so ask away and we will try help.


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Hi Alida, thanks for the warm welcome, I hope this helps make the whole process a lot more manageable

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Hi Jordy. Thanks so much for the links :ilikeit:

I must admit, you mentioning it will take a few years is a tough thought, even though I'm well aware of how slow the process is and how much it has slowed down in recent years and months. My bf's entire family now live in Aus and his mom moved there 2 years ago within a 9 month period so he's expecting us to be out of here by the end of next year already. We've been talking about emigrating for the past 7 years (we're terrible procrastinators, I won't lie) so I can definitely believe it'll be a few years before we can start packing up, even though we're now completely focusing our energy on getting our forms and applications done.

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Hi Jexx, well I did my application and got my visa a couple of days ago without knowing about this forum in the first place. The general rule of thumb is read, read, read and when you think you have read enough, read some more. All the information you need is on this forum and on the internet. Welcome and enjoy.

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Hey Cyberdeth. Oh yeah, reading is something I've done so much of, but you are right, the info is there, it's just a matter of taking the time to sort through it all.

Congrats on getting through the application and visa parts already and thanks for the welcome :ilikeit:

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Good Luck!

The forum is great but be careful about making decisions just on info on the forum. Before you lodge make sure you read through "Booklet 6" in detail on the DIAC's website www.immi.gov.au. Especially sections relating to minimum requirements for a valid application ie ielts results for SA passport holders etc.

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Hi and welcome!! If you are going the 175 route I doubt if you will have it by the end of next year. (I hope I am wrong) You will have better luck going the 176 SS route and you will also notice that people on this forum have changed from 175 to 176 SS due to how long the 175 will take.

All the best ...

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Hi Jexx

Welcome to this addictive forum. I see you're from Dbn so feel free to join us for coffee on the 18th - check out the post under coffee clubs.



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Hi GTrotter, thanks so much for the info, I seem to have missed that pdf file while drowning in sites, downloaded it now. I am looking through the DIAC site quite a lot as well and trying to find as much information as I can. What I found interesting and somewhat strange is that there are no published books that guide people through emigration processes. I would have thought that with so many people moving abroad, someone would have seen the need for such a book. I might get into writing that guide myself once I have gone through it all and learned enough, would finally give me something to publish. But then again maybe it's just unpatriotic for book stores to keep books on how to get out of the country? lol

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Hi bitisbitis

I haven't looked into that before, but now that you mention it, I'll have to try find out more about the 176 - how is it different? I had to wonder what people are resorting to since the 175 is pretty much at the furthest back burner right now.

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there are books but the requirements change quite often so the best source of info is the DIAC's website it is always up to date. Finding the right info is just not always that easy.

The 176 visa have the highest priority at the moment but it entails an extra step where you have to apply for state sponsorship which is getting harder and harder at the moment. Your starting point if you want to go for the 176 is to look at the respective states websites to see which states have your occupation on their sponsorship lists. Processing takes about 3 - 9 months currently (After you obtained state sponsorship)

The 175 CSL is second in line with processing now taking about 12 months. (CSL = Critical skills list)

175 MODL is next in line but all indications are there won't be any visas issued for these applicants this financial year up 30 July 2010.

Edited by GTrotter
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Welcome to the forum, its a wealth of information. Anything you need to know will be on here

and if not, ask the Q.

Enjoy surfing and all the best with the beginning stages of your application.

We went with an agent but it is a personal choice, many forumites are processing

applications themselves and seem to be doing A-OK.

Its going to be crazy, so buckle up and prepare for the ride of your life.

Well worth it


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Hiya Jexx, Big welcome to the forum from an ex Durbanite ! Hows Umhlanga today ?

As everyone has already said all the info is around here somewhere, but the rules change so often and everyone applying has different issues. We went the agent route as our apps for our 175 were not very straight forward - otherwise we would have gone the DIY route. For us it was money well spent. And yes - its a long, frustrating wait - but once you have that little pink slip in your passport that says "allowed to remain in Australia indefinately" all that stress gets forgotton and you feel as if you have won first prize.

All the best with your apps - its a pain gathering everything but very worth it in the end.

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Hi Sharon

Thanks so much for the invite, would be really nice to meet some forum members from around here. We've already got plans though, unfortunately. Hopefully for the next one though :unsure:

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Thanks so much for the info, GTrotter, making notes of all of this so I can get a better idea of what's needed

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Hi Serendipity, thanks for the welcome. We did consult an agent a few years ago and although it would probably make the process easier going through an agency, we're trying to shave off that twenty or thirty grand and rather put it towards all the other costs involved in this, I know it might be a fair bit more work but I'm confident we can do it.

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Lyn, thanks for the words of encouragement :unsure: Umhlanga is nice and sunny today, that's one nice thing about Durban winters, never really feel extremely cold.

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