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Charlie Brown: Hello All

Charlie Brown

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Hi to you all Bradley here, myself and wife have finnaly decided to make the move i am still very very new to the whole process but i am sure will get the hang of it ,the crime in SA has become very bad and we need to make the move for the sake of our kids well i hope to gain a lot of inof off the site,wish me luck

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Hi Bradley!!

Great decision... all the best of luck!!! I am also quite new to the forum, been in Aus 5 and a half months now, still get home sick, but it was worth it!!!



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Hi there Bradley!

Damn fine decision! We are from Durbs and the crime is hectic here, so I can imagine what Jhb is like!

Got 4.5 year old twin boys whose future rules in my eyes!

We are hoping to be there by March.....which areas have you considered? We are going to Sydney due to a employment opportunity on a 457 .....let me know if u need help with this type of visa.

Cheers 4 now and keep reading this awesome site!


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Hi there

Welcome to the forum. I hope you will find all the answers you are looking for and maybe even make some friends. I am sure you have tons of questions but just keen asking we have all been there. If you decide to head to Sydney and need any help or have any questions just let me know


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When it comes to talking about crime in Sth Africa and bringing kids up there, I am sure a lot of folk here would undestand where you're coming from.

If you have a question, you can bet someone here has been there and done that previously.

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Welcome Bradley!! You'll find a lot of like minded folks here, that's for sure :ilikeit:

good to see you and I'll catch you around on the forum!



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Howzit guys and girls if there is any body from the krugersdorp area please let me know who you are (if you don't mind) maybe we could get together and disscuss the move .



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Welcome!!! You will most definitely find lots of answers here.

See you round and good luck with all the arrangements & research.

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Howzit guys and girls if there is any body from the krugersdorp area please let me know who you are (if you don't mind) maybe we could get together and disscuss the move .



Hi Bradley

We are from Krugersdorp Silverfields We are moving in January to Adelaide.

Any questions just shout. We will try help. If not I am sure that we will get the answers from the forum.

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Howzit Tazz

I am so glad someone form krugersdorp responded!!! my inlaws live in silverfields ?? i would love to come around to chat just to get a bit more info if you would not mind give me a shout on my email slowmanb@gmail.com or a private message and maybe we could visit you over december.

Regards Bradley

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