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DCW: SA loop leeg


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Hi almal

My naam is Danie ek bly in Witbank besig om alles te verkoop, stek oppad Azz toe.Die area in Perth lyk na Rockingham waar ons gaan bly.

Ek werk in die myn industrie en dit is juis hulle wat my laat besef het om te waai met alles wat op 'n mens af gedwing word. Met die geboorte van my eerste seun(Dylan 3) het ek ook besef dat daar nie vir hom 'n toekoms in die land is nie en dit my verantwoordlikheid is om hom -en boetie Dean amper 1- alles te gee wat ek kan.So nou flieg die hele lot van ons saam oor middel Januarie.

My vrou Amanda vat dit so 'n bietjie moeilik die plan was dat ek eers werk kry en hulle oor 3 maande kom haal, ek het gister van plan verander en ons almal flieg saam.

Die forum is briljant en het my beslis al baie gehelp, as ek dit so lees klink dit my as ek oor kom, kom ek oor met 'n fliegtuig vol SA wat imegreer.

Cheers for eers!!!

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Jis Danie,

Ek dink dis die regte besluit om almal saam te gaan, gaan jy saam kan jy werk verdeel, gaan jy apart moet jy goed soos MEdicare ens net twee keer doen. Hoekom sal jy dan ook apart deur die moeilikste tyd in jou lewe gaan?


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Halo DCW

Ek het groot geword in Kriel, en daai omgewing is geen plek om kinders meer groot te maak nie,

My man het 3 maande voor my gekom, en nogal spyt daar oor, alles sou 'n beter avontuur gewees het, as ons dit saam kon beleef het so ja, geniet die nuwe avontuur

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Welcome, we lived in Witbank, Ext 10, for ten years, from 1982 to 1992, lovely place, but I hear it has changed a lot. Went there for a few days visit in March 2005, I was astounded! My sons attended Robert Carruthers Junior School and Witbank High.

Hope your road to Aus is a smooth and without problems!


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Hi there Danie

Hope you don't mind me posting in english on your thread...

My family and I have discussed and re discussed the same scenario you mentioned over and over...

...should I go over first, get work, settle in, find accomodation, get a car, etc etc etc and then they come over ....and, as with yourself, we have decided that we will all go over as a family for all good reasons per below:

- We can share this great, lifechanging and enriching adventure togther , each step of the way ...from getting the flight, to landing in Australia, to the first weeks together in our new country and support each other every single step of the way,

- We have 2 small chidren and I do not want to burden my wife with looking after them alone while I am away for an extended period as the stress will already be greater than usual,

- Due to the security issues we live with daily in SA, I am certainly not happy to leave my most precious possesion, my family, alone. I don't want to over dramatise here but am sure you will agree,

- If I went first, It would mean either my family moving out of our home before I left, moving in with family which is another change for our young kids


my wife and kids staying in our current home alone and my wife then having to pack up an entire home alone...quite a stressful task to coordinate and do let alone by yourself.

Yes - there is family but at the end of the day I don't believe they are going to get involved in every minute detail re packing up

At least we can make a single move out of the house we have lived in for a while, which leads me onto the next point,

- Closure for us in leaving SA is in my opinion absolutely VITAL - I need to do this properly for my young kids as well as for my wife and of course for myself.

I would like to be there when we spend our last weeks and days in our country of birth as explaining to a 2 and a half year old and 6 year old you are leaving the house, suburb, familiar areas and country they have known for their short lives could be difficult.

So, based on the above and seeing that we are trying to make our move over as smooth a humanly possible, we will ensure that we have +- 3 months of a decent salary saved up, so we can hopefully cover our overheads until I find work

One may ask " what is a decent monthly salary"...well, this will differ from family to family...

Good luck with your move ..stay positive and all will work out


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Hi Gee

I must say that hadn't even started to think about this aspect, but what you say is well thought out and makes a lot of sense to me. I especially agree that leaving one's wife to sell the house, make the final arrangements etc, and also to say all the goodbyes without a husband is going to make things stressful for her.

There's also something about tackling this new challenge together as a family that appeals to me.

Anybody here done it the other way - i.e. husband gone ahead first ? It would be interesting to hear those experiences (negative and positive).



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A friend of ours came over to Perth first, and his wife and kids followed a month later. They had a baby of 10 months old which made it essential for him to have a few things set up before the rest arrived. It worked out well for them doing it this way.

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Danie, Im also an ex Witbanker and made the move in Jan 2006. We have been living in the east coast(Newcastle) but will be moving to Perth WA mid december. Personally believe your doing the right thing by bringing the family.Good luck. Just shout if you need advice/assistance!

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I agree with the above opinions, and for us it was essential to do it all together. There will be some people who prefer to do it the other way for many reasons. The most NB however is what works for you! If you guys think you want to do it this way then that is what is right for you.

Good luck with it all.

Aus is a great place!

Aussie BUG

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Hi daar aan almal !!!!!!!

Ek wil net dankie se vir al die advies dit het vroulief so 'n bietjie meer gerus gemaak, vir "die groot trek"

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Good luck DCW - yoiu've got the attitude, so I know you'll be fine, regardless of what order you do things in :stretcher:

With us, I came first and the hubby and kids followed, but it was only a 3 week difference, so not too bad. I was able to find the house and buy the furniture so that when the kids moved to their new country, they could get settled as quickly as possible. When they arrived, they had nice new bedrooms waiting for them which helped. They were 12 and 10 at the time, so creature comforts are slightly more important than a hug from their old ma :ilikeit:, so it worked well for us that way. I don't think I would have liked to have been the one staying behind to get all the last minute things organised though, and if the kids were younger, it would have been a different story.

However, as I said up front, a lot of it is about attitude and mindset. If they're right, you can make even the most unmanageable tasks do-able!



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