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Tips on getting work on 457 Visa

Stuck in Jozi

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Can anyone perhaps assist with some info. I have been trying to get employment in the IT sector

in OZ. I have done my stuff on seek.com.au and have been in contact with Freespirit as well. My problem

seems to be getting personnel agencies to assist.

If you do not have a current working visa or so it seems that they are not interested. Also stating that I

can get 457 visa sponsorship through someone like Freesirit , with know real feedback either.

I have been over to Oz and have met with some agencies directly as well, but not much have come

from it.

I have also updated my CV on advise I've received to suit more how the Oz jobmarket works. Am still

using the worng approach or is the Oz jobmarket just more competitive that I thought. It might be

better also to speak to the end client I've also been advised, but most jobs are through agencies.

I am looking at going over to Oz again middle next year to try again but this time I will try and

get some more interviews setup before I come over. It also seems to help one has a contact somewhere

that can assist.

Have I been trying it the correct way or do I still have much to learn?

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Hi there

Where in Oz are you planning on going to?

If you are interested in Perth area, have a look under "offering" ,I posted a link there for jobs available and they sponsnor 457visas. Thats how we got into Oz. Not sure in what IT section you are in but there might just be something for you there. Also keep that link as they update it quite often.

Good luck and don't give up!!!

greetings from Perth



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Hi there

Where in Oz are you planning on going to?

If you are interested in Perth area, have a look under "offering" ,I posted a link there for jobs available and they sponsnor 457visas. Thats how we got into Oz. Not sure in what IT section you are in but there might just be something for you there. Also keep that link as they update it quite often.

Good luck and don't give up!!!

greetings from Perth



Hi Lindy

I have been Brisbane QLD as this is where I have a couple of friens living. I have experience in

IT Support & Systems Admin although I am now in IT Project Management. I am looking for

whatever positions I can.

I will look at the link you posted.

Thank you

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Hi Stuck in Jozi,

There is definitely a skills shortage in Australia, but securing a job has a lot to do with timing. Agenices generally place people that are here already and available to attend interviews. What I suggest is that you speak to Freespirit and make sure that they will sponsor you if you secure a job, and then get in touch with a couple of agencies (I think Rialet is in Brisbane?) and tell them what dates you are going to be here. Arrange to meet with them the day you arrive or the next day, or else try for a telephonic interview with the agency, and put them under pressure to tee up some client interviews for you while you are out here. Also, keep scouring SEEK and MyCareer - there are plenty of us that got our jobs (and sponsorships) here that way. Make sure that your CV highlights your technical expertise and achievements - especially how these have delivered value to your employer. Australians are all about bottom line value.

Good luck - don't give up!



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Hi Ajay

The process you explained is exactly what I have done, however as far as getting agencies to meet with you, you are talikng about putting preasure on them. My experience when talking to agencies are that

they were not too helpfull. I have applied for approx 20 positons in seek.com, with only 6 getting back to

me and almost none really willing to see me. Also phoning agencies, they first want to see your cv before

meeting with you.

When contacting agency's what do you tell them when they ask you about your visa as they are not

willing to help if you do not have a working visa? I tried to tell them that I can get 457 visa sponsorship

and that all I need is an job offer but with no real help.

So I am a bit stuck.

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Hi there!

My boyfriend and i are in the same position at the moment, we're planning to go over in February and FreeSpirit said that i just need to give them dates for our time there and see if they can set up interviews...but otherwise it seems like its a huge brick wall...

So any advice i'd also greatly appreciate cause we wanna go asap, but just not finding the right way - even by stating i have confirmation i will get sponsorship (both of us) from FreeSpirit...

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  • 6 months later...
Hi Ajay

The process you explained is exactly what I have done, however as far as getting agencies to meet with you, you are talikng about putting preasure on them. My experience when talking to agencies are that

they were not too helpfull. I have applied for approx 20 positons in seek.com, with only 6 getting back to

me and almost none really willing to see me. Also phoning agencies, they first want to see your cv before

meeting with you.

When contacting agency's what do you tell them when they ask you about your visa as they are not

willing to help if you do not have a working visa? I tried to tell them that I can get 457 visa sponsorship

and that all I need is an job offer but with no real help.

So I am a bit stuck.

Hope you got lucky stuck??? I applied for about 90 jobs in a week and a half. Some negative feedback,mostly because i am not there, and some will get back. I have received a reply that one company is really interested in me ;) and got job offer from the other. :ilikeit::ilikeit:

I just hope i dont get caught out with my passports that i am still awaiting and TRA that still needs to be sent out.

If not...Keep on trying!!!

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