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Rained last night


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Since there are a few people coming to Melbourne in the next couple of weeks (or so it seems), thought I would share photos of today's weather. It rained a bit last night, so there was water everywhere. Really beautiful day (at least I think so) Autumn is really here now




I think possums fulled these off the trees. They were lying all over the path.





Slideshow: http://s270.photobucket.com/albums/jj117/p...mview=slideshow

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Lovely wet pics Polly. Please send some of that rain our way. Its so darn dry !!!

Ive yet to see a possum around here - but where we live the galahs and sulper crested cuckatoos make such a mess - their beaks cut thru small branches and leaves and everyday I have a huge pile to rake up.

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We have only seen a dead one :( It must have fallen out of the tree. Was lying on the walk. Looked like a broken neck :( Such a beautiful creature though.

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Wow, lovely pictures Polly!

Especially like the gutter line focusing towards the centre, and the transiency of the raindrop on the small branch. You have such a gift for finding beauty on a microscopic scale in everyday life!

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