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Job Hunt


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I want to know if anyone can help my partner find some work, she has been trying now for months to get something but has had no success, she has sent out so many CV's to be either turned down or never contacted or take so long to get back for an interview, she has also been to some interviews but the jobs are given to someone else.

Her backround is PA work with some marketing advertising coordination skills, she has also got a diploma in Graphic design but no experience. Basically she is very intelligent (maybe too much) and can type fast with exeptional spelling gramma. She has worked in NZ for Price Waterhouse Coopers and Sparc NZ.

We are NZ citizens and are fully legible to work and live in Australia. If you require a CV please let me know so I can forward it on.

Thanks and hope something can come of good in these hard trying times.

Sa2Nz2Oz and partner :rolleyes:

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I can't help you (in NZ myself) but I wish you success very soon. Perhaps stating the obvious here and you probably have looked at this already but maybe she should (in the interim) volunteer somewhere e.g. a Citizen's Advice Bureau or something so that she can rely on them for a local character reference. Apparently this can also lead to networking opportunities - getting to know people and them getting to know you.

All the best to you.

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Hi - I wish i could help. Hopefully someone on the forum has some contacts. The economy seems to have hit really hard. Thinking of you and wishing your partner a job REAL soon!!!


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HI Polly,

Do you have to pay to be able to apply for the jobs on the website? How effective a website is it?


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There is a fee involved. There haven't really been any jobs in my field (programming and training), but there are a few typist / admin / sales positions. Must admit that things have quietened down a bit in the last two months...

Also jobs in medical, legal, web design, graphics design, accounting, bookkeeping, etc. Currently nothing in HR and recruitment

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There is a fee involved. There haven't really been any jobs in my field (programming and training), but there are a few typist / admin / sales positions. Must admit that things have quietened down a bit in the last two months...

Also jobs in medical, legal, web design, graphics design, accounting, bookkeeping, etc. Currently nothing in HR and recruitment

I would love to do typin/admin part time at home, what membership did you opt to take?

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