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Luke and Cecile

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Hi all

First time on – but have been reading like mad. We are hoping to lodge via our agents by next week (state sponsored by SA - 475) so on our way to Adelaide if all goes well by start of 2010.

Looking forward to getting to know all the regulars and new comers like us. :ilikeit:

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Welcome you guys. You will love this forum.

Red is in Adelaide. Look her up on the forum. She is GREAT!!


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Congratulations with your decision and welcome to 'our' world!

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Welcome to the forum from an ex Durbanite. This is a fabulous place for all your questions - not to mention support !

Red is also an ex Durbanite now living in Adelaide - she's a great gal and helps keep me sane.

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Welcome to the forum. Hope everything goes smoothly for you.



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Adelaide is:


Durban and a whole lot more

Evening strolls

Laid back



Durban without the humidity


Wishing you all the best on your journey.

Take care,


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Welcome to the forum, hope it is helpful in your move.

Take care.


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My brother and his family are also on 475 - sponsored by SA -

I think Manny T is also in Adelaide or close by - he has a recruitment agency - look him up - he could be of help.

Good luck with the lodgments and future plans


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I think Manny T is also in Adelaide or close by - he has a recruitment agency - look him up - he could be of help.

Manny is in Adelaide... and will be much more help than me!!!

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Welcome and Enjoy

Is it my Imagination or are there lots of Durbanites joining lately?

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Welcome Luke and Cecille

We also on our way to Adelaide on 475. Have spent hours on the forum - its like therapy....

Good luck with all the planning - the waiting has gotta be the worst part!

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Thanks for the welcome

i must say it is comforting to be on the forum with people that must still go -and all those that got their T-shirts already. :rolleyes:

we have still got so much to do, like selling the house and the the cars at the right time!

i sure would like to get to know Manny - sounds like the right person to know when going in to the job market in a new country.

glad to hear Adelaide is all we read it is - we cannot wait to get over there.

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