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Cheap flights to SA


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Hi All

I hope that someone can help. I need to return to SA for a family wedding in August and need to find cheap flights back. Since I have lived in the UK for a long time I have become used to all the cheap flights and easy online bookings that you get over there. Is there anything like this in Oz? Alternatively anyone know of any good deals from Sydney to Joburg? I would prefer to avoid Qantas, BA and SAA - I find them highly priced and bad service.

Any suggestions please??

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Qantas and SAA will give you the most direct route. and suprisingly enough, they were both only $200 more than flying with singapore (who i was really dissapointed with this time).

all the airlines do online bookings, on their websites. or alternatively, you can try www.webjet.com.au

according to webjet, Qantas is currently the cheapest flight @ $2282 incl taxes for august.

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thanks for that

OMG that is expensive. I wont fly Qantas/BA, too many bad experiences with them. It's a shame that there arent any of the price comparison websites in Oz that you get in the UK. Not just for travel, but for everything. It used to save loads of time and effort when looking for quotes.

Thanks for the info, I guess the wedding present wil be that we are there :ilikeit: I was hoping that August would be a bit cheaper perhaps off peak for SA/Oz, its peak in the UK with the summer holidays but thought it may be a bit different in the southern hemisphere

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Use a travel agent.

Cheapest fare at the moment on Qantas A$ 1965.00 inclusive for August.

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Thanks for that, I have also had a look and it def seems that Qantas is the cheapest.

I will keep looking to see if any other airlines have similar prices. Has anyone flown them Oz to SA? How are they? How long is the flight compared to other airlines?

We have never done the Oz 2 SA flight and I am worried about how long it will be. Coming over from the UK we have always taken long stop overs to make it easier, but dont have the leave or money for it this time

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The flight from Sydney to Joburg direct is 14h10mins as opposed to say Singapore airlines which is 22h10min or Emmirates which is even longer.

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Wow thats a huge difference, I didnt realise you could get there so quick. Its much shorter than trips back to the UK. Faster and cheaper, I will have to think about it. Thanks very much for the info

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Wow thats a huge difference, I didnt realise you could get there so quick. Its much shorter than trips back to the UK. Faster and cheaper, I will have to think about it. Thanks very much for the info

it looks like you can get a return flight sydney perth for about $400 (on virgin blue), and the latest SAA and Quantas specials seem to indicate about $1400 return perth joburg - so all up that would be about $1800...

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You still need to add taxes to the SAA fare.....out of Perth...so that bring you back to about the same fare........

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