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Stay at Home Mom VS Working Mom


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Hi there,

I am new to the forum and we have not yet made any decision about coming over yet. We do however keep getting e-mails from an agent asking us to move as my husbands job (Refrigeration technician) is very sought after. We have 2 children aged 6 and 2. My point of the posting is to enquire wether those that are already there are opting to be stay at home moms or if the financial situation means that we have to still be working moms. I was thinking that without the salary of a domestic that childcare and cleaning could be done by the actual mother of the child...ie ME. If anyone could advise on this i would really appreciate it.

Thank you


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Hi there and welcome to the forum

Your 6 year old will probably be in year 1 and the hours of schooling are from 9 ish to 3 00. There are plenty of job share or flexi hour jobs and alot will advertise working for a certain amount of hours per week eg 20 hours etc and you can choose those hours, obviously it depends what you do. Australia does encourage moms to stay home with little ones and therefore childcare is expensive. The states vary but I pay $40 a day 2 days a week for my 3 year old, this is from 9 - 3pm. Long day care would cost around $60 a day in sydney. You would have to way up the pros and cons but most of the moms I know go back to work only when there children start primary school and then only part time although most schools offer before and after school care at an additional cost. You would have to look at the cost of living in the area you settle in as well as the salary your husband would be expecting to earn but if you are going to settle in a regional area etc and don't need to work that would be a more likely option.

I am sure that you would be happy in Australia if you decide to make the move it is a great country.

Good Luck

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Thank you very much sa2auz for the response.

There are sooooo many things that need to be put right in a persons head :unsure: before a decision like this can be made. But the fact that the South African gov have offered to pay Zuma's legal fees is tipping the scales in Aus's favour for me today!!!!

I think weighing up the pro's and con's is always a personal thing as each persons pro's and con's are different. I am a working mother here and the idea of being able to be with the kids at home in a safe environment really appeals to me.

thank you again.

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Where do stay at home moms then take their kids to play with other kids. I currently work from home and would love to have my daughter with me in Australia as well, but she loves to play with other kids.


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Hi there Liza

I would have thought that if most young kids are at home with there moms and the parks are a safe place to be that they could go there to meet and play. Alternativly I am sure there are places like Moms & Tots in Aus. Either way the kids will be safer. :ilikeit:


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Hi Louise and Liza,

As sa2auz has mentioned, Aus is very supportive of stay at home moms. There are many playgroups, where moms and kids can go to, and they usually cost only a few dollars a day. something like $5-$10 per session. This usually includes tea and coffee for mom! The parks are also very safe, and popular. You see people with children everywhere, walking in the streets or riding their little bicycles. It is just wonderful to see. :)

Working hours are very flexible as well, and depending on your level of living, it should not be too difficult to be a stay at home mom. I always had to work in SA, but here, I actually have a choice. My children are all school age now, so I need to do some work just to keep me busy! :blush: It also provides some welcome pocket money, and helps to integrate me into the community. I have a part time job, and have also enrolled for a course at the Uni.

I have so much more time to spend with my kids, and not having to stress about their safety so much is a wonderful feeling.



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Dear Dreamcatcher,

Thank you vey much for that response. The safety of our children is a massive, huge deciding factor for us. And having time to actually be there mother and not the lady they see for 5 minutes at night when you kiss them good night and the glimpse you get of them in the morning as you dash out to work will be amazing. :D

I still have my concerns ...all regarding the kids.

Thank you again


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Hi there

There are so many things to do here with your kids and I suppose that has made the transion from a working mom to a stay at home mom easier. There are playgroups which are great, then community centres and churchs have get togethers where the moms can scrap or do beading or whatever for an hour or 2 with supervised childcare. Also alot of moms play tennis and most places have childcare which is included and then there are swimming lessons, and soccer, and gym and all sorts of activities. The libraries also have free story time for an hour or so once a week and the libraries are great and the kids love our weekly trip. The parks are the best and some have little racetracks so bring those black bikes and then we have play days and a few of us meet each week either at a park or someones house or at the beach.

I think being involved with the kids is the easiest way to make friends, all our friends we have met through the children.

Have a good day.

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My youngest is now 18 and working in the "gap year" to earn enough money to qualify for "indpendent" status so that the Australian gov't will pay her a tax-free grant of A$9,000 a year to study at University for the next four years. . . . . it's not every day that governments throw a total of $36,000 (R150,000) at you to keep!!

Having just done our tax returns, there is such a thing in Australia as a "Family Tax Benefit" whereby the Australian gov't gives out tax releif to one-income families so that mum (or dad) can stay at home with the kids while they are still very young.

I believe, if you do your sums that at the end of the day, there is hardly any income tax payable which a one-income family with three dependent kids will end up paying on an income of up to A$43,000 (R225,000) a year!

This gives you the freedom to stay at home, if you tighten your belts, or go out to work part-time, etc. if you want to.

You will need to do your homework because it's not much point in working, earning a dollar, if you lose all the family tax benefit and end up paying income tax on your earnings as well. You could be taking home only 20c or 30c in the dollar . . . . the rest being lost!

Of course, if you're bored silly at home, then you can get a part-time job just to get out of the house, but at least it's nice to know that you will at least be able to survive on one income if you want to.

Australia gives you that choice.

Edited by Bob
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