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Bonni: New member

Raymond & Bonni

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Good day,

We are a family residing in Durban (Bluff) South Africa.

One email changed our lifes…I took a chance by emailing my husbands CV to a company in Melbourne VIC,in the same industry as him in SA.

The director of the company offered a sponsorship and the next was someone on a prayer group advising me of a migration specialist attorney in Sydney -

Teleo Immigration Lawyers www.teleo-immigration.com Not sure if anyone is familiar with them?

They helped us obtain the subclass 456 visas and A month later hubby and I found ourselfes in Melbourne(from Essendon to St Kilda beach to Sunbury(we looked at homes and schools in this area),all expenses paid holiday to see if we would like to make Melbourne our potential home???

It still feels like a dream,but we have to face reality…

We are now in the process of applying for the subclass 457(I think it is the 4 year visa)

We got back 3 weeks ago and last week applied for our unabridged marriage and kids birth certificates,also for the kids passports.

I believe once we receive that,we have to go for the medicals:Aids and TB tests,the only concern we have is that my hubby has Rheumatoid arthritis and Hypertension,both conditions under control,with medication of course.

I would like to know if there is anyone that applied before with one or both conditions to please get in touch with me.

My personal email address is bcoetzer@transunion.co.za or post the reply on the forum.

Would these conditions be a problem,or prolong the application,how would they merit you,I believe they look at every case individually,but it would be nice if we can start preparing ourselfes for the worst.I am sure one of the requirements would be for us to have our own health insurance,which is a nessecity in any case,so we are not planning to become a burden to Australia in any way.

We would just like a safer better life for our kids and ourselfes.

Hubby is 43,I am 33 and 2 boys 4 and 15.

Another thing is the salary,that were offered,can anyone advise if $70000per annum,plus a car,free petrol,+9% super plus is a good salary package and if we will survive?

I am sorry I have so many questions,we are also planning to try and get my mother over with us,the company agreed to sponsor her as well,how does that work.

Every bit of advise would be great,I am so excited after reading some of the messages on forum and am so glad to hear there are quite a few Afrikaans people in Melbourne,I can not wait…

Thanking you in advance….

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Hi Bonni ,

Welcome tho the forum. Almost all your questions have been answered in other threads. Search for keywords to find them. I believe someone else mentioned that as long as a condition is under control it should not be a problem, but I am not positively sure about that.

Good luck with your application and the whole process.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

I can't answer your medical question for certain, as I'm not a doctor, but I do know that if you have a medical condition that is being treated, and is under control, you should be fine. The main things they are concerned with are Aids and TB. I really do think your husband will be fine.

$70 000 plus all the other stuff sounds fine, from what others in Aus have said. But it also depends on your lifestyle.

If you want to take your mother over, you have to be able to prove that she is dependent on you and your husband. If she lives with you, that's fie, otherwise you may have a problem with that. She will also have to pass medicals and so on.

Good luck!


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Welcome to the forum. Well done on the job and new life thats about to start.

Just a word of caution. Perhaps consider editing your post to remove your private email address. Anyone who wants to contact you can make use of the Private message function. It is not always wise to put out to much info for all to see, especially seen as though your email address contains your surname and company name.

Otherwise all the best for the medicals. I am sure it will all be fine especially if it is under control.

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Hi Bonni,

Welcome!! what took you so long? :ilikeit: With regards the pre existing medical conditions I suggest you go the extra mile and get detailed reports from the doctors regarding the ailments and the treatments being used, this will help you to avoid any requests further down the line from the powers that be for additional information from you.

Is there anyone left in Durbs?

Edited by Terence.H
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Hi Bonni,

Welcome!! what took you so long? :unsure: With regards the pre existing medical conditions I suggest you go the extra mile and get detailed reports from the doctors regarding the ailments and the treatments being used, this will help you to avoid any requests further down the line from the powers that be for additional information from you.

Is there anyone left in Durbs?

Only people left in Durbs are those waiting to go and those who can't get visas! Welcome Bonni.



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Hi Bonni

Welcome to the forum, sure you will find all the help and advice you need. Don't stress about the medical conditions, I am sure it shouldn't be a problem. Why don't you post a question under the application section as some people might miss it here. :unsure:

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Welcome to the forum.

I would like to add a question. I know that I have high cholesterol. I am currently not on any medication. My Dr wants to do another test in 3 month to see if it went up or down. Must I ask him to rather put me on medication now? I might need to go for a Visa medical soon.

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Hi Bonni

Rough and tough and come from the Bluff.......

Welcome!!!! My husband and I both grew up on the Bluff, difficult to loosen those roots though. I'll PM you with our experience w.r.t. medicals.

Welcome, and goodluck


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Hi Bonni

Welcome to the forum. We live in Ballarat, 100km northwest of Melbourne. Arrived here 5 months ago on a 457 visa.

I am 53 years old with Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 30 years.

Like me, you will not experience any difficulties getting the 457, but there might be some questions when you apply later down the track for PR.

That is the future, so take one step at a time, first get here.

All the best with the process.

PM me if you have any other questions.

Oosie (Hennie)

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Hi Bonni

So bly jy kon kom post! Hoop ek en jy gaan nog lekker kuier hier op die forum.



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:ilikeit: Hi Bonni

Congratulations and welcome.

It sounds great.

Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question, only a funny one.

Keep posting and keep us up to date.


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Hi Bonni,

WELCOME to the forum family!

It sounds like you're well on your way. Good luck with all that lies ahead. Remember you will get heaps of support and advice on this forum, so visit often!



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Hi and welcome from another Durbanite. We do seem to be stampeding out of KZN !!!

All the very best with your plans.

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