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Hot Stock Market tip ... shares in DOOM going up from Dec ..... OMG!!! Not sure this should be under Funnies!

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O my gosh that THING surely that is not just a spider, more like the spider from HELLLLLLL

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Hey Terence you must be a gamer! So how many hits until you get a kill?

What's a gamer Sasha? I must be having a dumb moment...... :lol:

Am pretty sure one push of your husband against the wall would do the trick.. :lol:

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After cursing my genes for many, many years, I finally realise why I was put on this earth with size 13 feet. :whome:

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That is one big fella! Gives me the heebie-jeebies

I saw a smaller fellow in the back garden yest.....admired him for a while with my son - he was brown, fat and had numerous really big eyes - yes, we could see them. We two boys sat around admiring him and what he might do with the flies.....until the wife came out and cast one look at him and insisted on terminating him. So, I 'squished' him (I've been watching too much 'A Bug's Life' with my son).

What's the red bit? A ruler??

Quite a big fella!

Eva, the red bit is a health bar. If you have kids (or a husband!) who plays video games, they'd be able to tell you that in many games which involve some amount of combat/overcoming obstacles,etc you're assigned a health bar, which is usually red or blue in colour, and which reduces in length as you are injured by opponents or obstacles.

Agree - this shouldn't be under "Funnies"....unless we mean funnies to be of the variety of "I see dead people".


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Eva, the red bit is a health bar. If you have kids (or a husband!) who plays video games, they'd be able to tell you that in many games which involve some amount of combat/overcoming obstacles,etc you're assigned a health bar, which is usually red or blue in colour, and which reduces in length as you are injured by opponents or obstacles.

Agree - this shouldn't be under "Funnies"....unless we mean funnies to be of the variety of "I see dead people".


Thanks for the explanation.

Just look at Terence's avatar, you can see he's obviously a bit of a sick puppy... :holy::whome::blush:

(just kidding Terence! It was the porn shop crack that wised me up to you being a sicko)

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Who me? Nah I passed the sicko test years ago with honours!!, am now way beyond that.... :whome:

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