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Draughting Autocad


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I am busy completing a National Certificate in Multi-Disciplinary Drawing Office Practice in South Africa. The subjects include Caddie version 12 (the South African Version of Autocad - also compatible with Autocad) Mechanical Draughting, Pictorial Draughting, Mechanical Drawing Office Practice, General Draughting, Technical illustration, Building Draughting and Structural Steel.

I will complete the course the end of November.

My husband has been employed by Honeywell Australia in Sydney we are waiting for the 457 sponsored visa which should be ready in about two weeks or so. We are hoping to be in Australia in December.

If anybody knows of any work for me please let me know. Any apprenticeships, trainee or junior jobs or even places were I could get started so that I can start with cold calling when I get there.

Thank you


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I cannot help with employment options, but I would advise that you try to get into Autocad, as this is the industry standard. (Caddy may be compatible, but it functions very differently to Autocad). Even if you just learn the very basics, it gives prospective employers the confidence that you will be able to contribute from the start (ie they won't have to teach you first). Good luck.

Edited by Gizmo
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As Gizmo said: Nearly all "companies" are using AutoCad. I'm also a Caddie user. Try to do a beginners course in AutoCad before you leave. It will be a huge advantage when applying for work.


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As Gizmo said: Nearly all "companies" are using AutoCad. I'm also a Caddie user. Try to do a beginners course in AutoCad before you leave. It will be a huge advantage when applying for work.


Thanks guys,

I enrolled the beginning of this year at Damelin and was under the impression that the course they were offering was AutoCad (On all their advertisements and all the hand outs it said AutoCad) So I was a bit dissapointed when we did Caddie and not Autocad. :thumbdown: Anyway I'll see if I can do a short course, but this will probably cost me. Do you know of any online AutoCad courses? Thanks for the advice.

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Anyway I'll see if I can do a short course, but this will probably cost me. Do you know of any online AutoCad courses? Thanks for the advice.

Search Google for AutoCad tutorials...... there is some realy good websites showing you what to do, but you need to practise it on an AutoCad program.


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I'm an AutoCAD and Solid Edge person (both industry standards world wide).

There are heaps and heaps of draftie jobs all over. Careerone and Seek will have them. I can't recall ever seeing an ad here needing Caddie.WA, Townsville, and Darwin have loads of opportunities.

Companies won't even look at you until you're here though.

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Hi Hannie!

I am a recruitment consultant in Sydney. I have various clients that are continuously looking for qualified drafting staff. As previously mentioned, Autocad is the industry standard and you should at least attempt to cover some basics in Autocad, in saying that however, I am of the opinion that some clients will take you into consideration. Please get in touch with me nearer your time of arrival?



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Hi Hannie!

I am a recruitment consultant in Sydney. I have various clients that are continuously looking for qualified drafting staff. As previously mentioned, Autocad is the industry standard and you should at least attempt to cover some basics in Autocad, in saying that however, I am of the opinion that some clients will take you into consideration. Please get in touch with me nearer your time of arrival?



Hi Nick

I have great news! We found out this morning 04:30 that our visa has been approved!!! We are so excited! :ilikeit: I will be available from around the 3d of December. I'lll keep in contact with you.

Thanks for the interest.


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Thanks guys,

I enrolled the beginning of this year at Damelin and was under the impression that the course they were offering was AutoCad (On all their advertisements and all the hand outs it said AutoCad) So I was a bit dissapointed when we did Caddie and not Autocad. :whome: Anyway I'll see if I can do a short course, but this will probably cost me. Do you know of any online AutoCad courses? Thanks for the advice.

If they advertised that they would teach AutoCad, then I would seriously take it up with them. AutoCad is not a generic term - it is a specific program, and it is not Caddy (not even similar to Caddy I am afraid).

You should insist that they teach AutoCad or, at the very least, give you a rebate.

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Hi Hannie

Ek het ook begin om met Caddie te teken en later self Autocad vir my geleer. Die basisie funksies is die selfde, maar die werk net so 'n bietjie anders. Groot firmas gebruik almal Autocad of Microstation.

Ek is nie seker nie, maar gaan kyk op die Autocad website of jy 'n demo van Autocad kan download. Begin om iets eenvoudig in Autocad te teken.

Gaan kyk op Augi website. Daar is baie inligting en hulle het ook tutorials wat jy kan download. Gaan kyk ook na http://discussion.autodesk.com/index2.jspa?categoryID=8. Dit is Autocad forum waar ook baie inligting is.

PM as jy vra het ivm Autocad.


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Hi daar baie dankie vir al die info. Sjoe daai Augi website lyk cool! Is dit te goed om waar te wees?

Ek het gekyk om 'n Autocad 2007 'n 5 dag kursus in Secunda by Gigaskills te doen maar dit sal mens hier by die R2300 kos as jy dit in 'n groep van 4 doen, Of R4300 as individu. Die budget is maar 'tight' nou dat ons weet ons kan uiteindelik Australie toe gaan.

Ek het ook gesien dat mens 'n kursus kan doen by TAFE Sydney vir so A$600 wat nie te bad is nie, ook 'n 5 dag kursus, maar dan is dit ten minste Autocad 2009.

Maar ek sal definitief solank begin met die Augi en Autocad forums. Ek moet nou net Autocad in die hande kry. Jy weet nie dalk waar ek so iets kan kry nie?

Ek is maar 'n rookie met hierdie forum ding. Hoe stuur jy PM moet ek jou envite as friend?

Maar baie dankie vir al die advies ek waardeer dit baie!

Hannelie :ilikeit:

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Ek is maar 'n rookie met hierdie forum ding. Hoe stuur jy PM moet ek jou envite as friend?

Hannelie :ilikeit:

Click op die van die persoon naam aan die linkerkant en kies dan "Send Message".

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