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Want to move into private sector


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Hi everyone,

I have been unhappy in my current job type ever since I moved into it (academic research) and it's not helping with my experience in Australia - unhappiness in your work just escalates your homesickness, etc. So, I'm trying to figure out what and where I could go that would be better, pay better and hopefully change my view of staying in Oz. In SA my main experience was in lecturing Statistics/Mathematics to mainly first year students. In Oz I cant' do that as I don't have a Phd and I really don't want to do one. So, in Oz I've been doing mainly health related research working as a research assistant and currently my job title is "biostatistician - research fellow". I have a Masters degree in Statistics, with Mathematics as a major in my third year as well. I also have a Higher diploma in education with one year mathematics teacher experience in SA - I do have VIT registration (Victorian Institute of Teaching).

I've been thinking of doing one of three things:

1. moving into private sector

2. getting a maths teaching job

3. getting government/public service job


1. I have no commercial experience and this is making it difficult to move into private sector. I do think I have a skill set (analytical, numerical, etc) that would be of use, but just not sure where would be a good fit. Also, I think since I don't have that commercial experience, I don't have a good chance to get a job just applying for it, but rather through networking/contacts.

2. I don't want to teach at a public school, but rather a private/independent school. I have heard though that it is difficult to get these jobs. Also, I'm not sure what the salaries are for teachers, but I can't afford to start off with less than I'm earning at the moment, which is around the average salary in Oz (I think). I am happy to provide salary details to anyone who contacts me. I think if I make this move then I really want it to be a good job, as I think the move back or into private sector from a teaching job is probably very difficult or impossible.

3. I'm not sure if this would be a good move, and if I would be just as bored as I am at the moment! I'm worried to make a move and feel the same way I do at the moment.

I'd really appreciate it if anyone has advice, know of someone I could contact, network with, etc. Figuring out what I want to do I think is important before I make a move and I think chatting to people who are already in these type jobs, who can offer advice, etc. would be of great benefit to me and I would welcome that! I'm also open to change and don't necessarily want a job that requires JUST stats/math skills. I would enjoy some variety.

Also, I'm not married, so job security, reasonably good salary, career progression, good super are really important to me (as I'm sure to anyone!) as I don't have someone who can "fit the bill" for a few months while I'm jobless!



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I have a suggestion for the private sector. Try searching for market or marketing research companies. These are the companies that do the surveys and polls for companies who want to find more info on their products or services. Some of the studies they do are large and they might have use for someone with statistics as background.

Hope it helps


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