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I just wanted to say a quick hi and introduce myself as I feel rude just browsing. My apologies in advance for my essay...

We are South Africans, from Pretoria, who have been living in the UK for the last 8 years. We got sick of the miserable weather here and decided last year to emigrate to Aus as it's closer to the lifestyle back home, and we would prefer our children (A four-year-old daughter and a son who will be two in November) to grow up with a similar lifestyle to us. Our visa application went in in December 2007 and we got approval in August 2008 so are currently packing up what we want to take and trying to get rid of things we aren't. Our flights are booked for November, but we are headed to South Africa where we will spend 3 months with my family so I can spend some time with my father who is very ill. Hubby will continue to work full time for his current company till February (He can do his job over the internet luckily) and will then go onto contract with them once we arrive in Aus. We are leaving South Africa in February for Aus, and have decided we will settle somewhere to the North of Perth, near to friends of ours that stay there already. Things are a bit manic here at the moment and my house looks like a tip with all the boxes and things lying about. I have been scouring the forum for advice on what to take and have stocked up on bedding and towels etc. as people seem to say they are costlier in Aus. We are planning to buy lots of clothing in SA while we are there too as I prefer the quality and style of SA clothing (I miss Edgars and Truworths!) to the English ones. So I'm making lists, lists, lists and trying to get as much advice on here as I possibly can.

Just over five weeks to go before we leave and I'm excited and extremely nervous. A bit worried about being in SA for three months because I am continually hearing horror stories about the crime and people complaining about being without water and electricity. If it weren't for my family I would probably give it a miss, but need to spend some time with my Dad. Is it really as bad as people are saying?

Otherwise, I am off to read up some more...


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Welcome to the forum, Kitten!

I think that crime is 'better' or 'worse' in certain parts of South Africa. We haven't had a power cut for AGES and we haven't had any water problems (yet). So my personal experience is that crime and other problems are maybe not as bad as you are hearing. But that's my personal experience, someone else who has experienced far worse will say yes it is that bad.

Not much help I guess. Focus on the positive experience of seeing your family etc before going to Australia, instead of the negative. :unsure:

My 2c worth....


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Welcome to the forum. :unsure:

Good luck with the move and I'm sure you will find all the information you need here on this forum.

You are already ahead of a lot of us.


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Hi Kitten ,

Welcome and good luck .Where will you be living ?It does make a difference to the level of crime ,water cuts etc ...............

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Hi Kitten ,

Welcome and good luck .Where will you be living ?It does make a difference to the level of crime ,water cuts etc ...............

We will be in Witbank.

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Welcome to your new "family" Kitten. You will find that almost all of the people on this forum will go out of their way to provide you with advice, tips, etc.

Re crime in SA - just remember that, with you having been in the UK for 8 years, you have, in all probability, not been exposed to as much crime as you would have whilst in RSA, so you will have to be wide awake when back in RSA. I think that some of us still in RSA have become jaded in respect of crime, since we have become so used to it.

Just don't go places where you shouldn't, don't leave your doors unlocked and be aware of your surroundings at all times. You will be fine!!

God speed with all your other arrangements for the move to Oz!!


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Hi Kitten

Welcome to the forum :whome:

Hope your journey is a smooth one.

See you on the other side,


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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. :)

Re crime in SA - just remember that, with you having been in the UK for 8 years, you have, in all probability, not been exposed to as much crime as you would have whilst in RSA, so you will have to be wide awake when back in RSA. I think that some of us still in RSA have become jaded in respect of crime, since we have become so used to it.

We've already learnt that lesson on our last visit, unfortunately. I think you forget to be quite as vigilant. We were back February last year and got mugged on our way out of the airport whilst walking to the car rental place. Was scary as we had the kids with us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hallo almal!

Ons is nuut op die forum en is so dankbaar en beindruk met dit! Dis nou net wat 'n mens nodig het! Ons het geweet baie mense is oppad uit, maar genade, nie soveel nie!

Ons wag vir goedkeuring van ons 457 visas en gaan dan hopelik vroeg in die nuwe jaar vertrek na Melbourne. My man het werk gekry in Clayton. So ons sal dit waardeer as julle ons kan raad gee van waar om te bly en waar nie...

Ons het alreeds so baie info gekry, maar gaan verseker nog baie benodig. Veral met die moets en moenies van die 457. Ons het al gehoor dat ons op 'n 457 nie kwalifiseer vir seker dinge nie.

Ons sien uit daarna om van julle te hoor.


Philipp & Lana

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Hi Kitten,

Where will you be North of Perth? Do you mean one of the suburbs North of the River (in Perth) There are a lot of familys from the UK & SA there. It will be like living back in SA with all the afrikaans you hear! About the bedding - the bed sizes are different to ours in SA - so be careful when buying duvets & covers,. You can't buy the covers in SA & expect to buy the duvets in Au - believe me - they don't fit! Been there. Done that. Also, w.r.t. kids clothes - yes, I also issed the clothes from SA, but as the kids grow so quickly & will grow out of their clothes from season to season, its worth buying the cheap clothes you can find in the local shops. (target, K-mart, big W). But also, having saying that, on our last trip to Perth, noticed how expensive the clothes had gotten over the last couple of years since we've been back in SA!

Enjoy your time with your dad. My dad got ill when we were in Perth & I really felt bad not been here with him. (he is ok now after having a 5way by-pass).

Best of luck


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