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Furnished short term rentals in Sydney -Eastern suburbs?


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Hi Everyone ,

I have searched and searched ,but have not been able to find a suitable furnished rental for the week of the 2nd of Jan 2009 to the 9th Of Jan 2009,in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.Any suggestions would be helpful .I have tried the housesitting option with no luck(As well as the Sydney internet rentals sites)

I am also happy to rent a furnished apartment for 8-12 weeks if the price is not too high .Short term we can pay between $150-180 per night .Per week about $650-800.I need 2/3 bedrooms and 1/2 bathrooms ..............




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Hi there

I think you are going to battle with that rental in the Eastern Suburbs. Perhaps you should consider the northern beaches manly area or Dee Why? Are you tied to the Eastern suburbs? Where will your hubby be working and have you decided on schools. Also Jan is a tricky time as most people are in holiday mode. I think you should still look at the housesitting option that might be a good one. I think you should keep a eye on the local papers online and look at gumtree or trading post. Good Luck


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Hi S,

Thanks I have widened my search, so hopefully I will find something .We would like to live in the Eastern suburbs as that is where I want the children to attend school. However to start with, I am not too concerned about staying somewhere else, and then moving back to the Eastern suburbs, once we find something. I have found a relocation company that helps with these sorts of things, but as it is quite expensive, I will try on my own first. HOME HUNTERS RELOCATIONS- have you heard of them?

I will keep looking for a house sit, local papers and Gumtree etc.

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards


Hi there

I think you are going to battle with that rental in the Eastern Suburbs. Perhaps you should consider the northern beaches manly area or Dee Why? Are you tied to the Eastern suburbs? Where will your hubby be working and have you decided on schools. Also Jan is a tricky time as most people are in holiday mode. I think you should still look at the housesitting option that might be a good one. I think you should keep a eye on the local papers online and look at gumtree or trading post. Good Luck


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Hi everyone ,

PHEW!!!Thanks so much for help ..............I found accomodation in Mosman through Rent-A-Home.com.au!! :ilikeit::magic::holy::hug::holy: :holy: :holy::ilikeit: :ilikeit: :ilikeit:

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