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Suburbs in Aus most favoured by SA'ns


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Statistics for Africa

Welcome to the forum, but very sneaky of you hey!!!! :ilikeit:

For those of you that are going to have a look at this website , you need to subscribe and make a payment :jester:

I think the forum members get most of the info on the forum for free anyway

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Question for the forum then. Which occupation (from a list of more than 350 on the website) in New South Wales experienced a 450% increase in the number of full-time workers from Aug 07 to Aug 08? This can be useful to decide which city offers the best chance to succeed in finding a job. Or, from those suburbs in Perth where most South African's prefer to settle, which suburb does accountants (list include more than 400 other occupations) prefer to live?

The marginal charge will ensure migrants get access to information that is really useful but not in all cases freely available on the internet.

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ROFLOL! If you follow where everyone else goes, you never get anywhere. That is probably the area that is already too full of accountants :blush:

You go where you get a job (just my personal opinion) :ilikeit:

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You go where you get a job (just my personal opinion) :ilikeit:

I'll second that. Find your feet first then figure out the rest.


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It is not that easy finding a job that actually matches your skills and things are about to get much tougher in the job market. Focusing on those areas where there is growing demand for my skills would be my strategy.

If you prefer to avoid the crowd, then you will find info on the website which highlights those areas where the least number of accountants live. The point is whatever your strategy, the information is there to help you make the best decision for your particular situation.

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Welcome to the forum statisticsforafrica.

So what visa are you applying for? Would be nice if you can maybe add your visa type and timeframe details in your signature field. MOst forumites do this so we can all see who get's their visa's and how long it takes.

Best of luck.

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