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City Liveability ranking

Almost Aussie

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*ahem*cough*Melbourne-second*cough* :blush:

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GO Melbourne!

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*ahem*cough*Melbourne-second*cough* :blush:

Hey HP, no need to justify posting that important piece of info...about a week ago the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) ran an article concerning the availability of rental properties in Sydney....according to the article, for a city of approx 5 million people Sydney had just 750 places available for rent. I know Melbourne has a rental property squeeze BUT the ratio 5 million to 750 rental places (in Sydney) is scary.....something the new migrants need to consider before choosing the State to settle...do your homework guys, arriving in Sydney and then competing with 100s maybe 1000s for a place to rent....not a rosy picture


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Yep, I believe Melbourne had a great summer last year. Apparantly it fell on a Wednesday... :ilikeit:

But what a way to go with 4 Aussie cities in the Top 10. Surely Brisbane must have made the Top 20 atleast?

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All I can say thank heavens Perth is the most isolated city in the world, otherwise, EVERYONE would want to come and live here!!!!!

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Obviously you can’t take these things seriously…I mean Melbourne second…PLEASE!!! :ilikeit:

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That's why the people from Melbourne hang out on the Perth community forum :holy: Wannebees...

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Ha!!! Ha!!!!!!!!!

That's why we are still in Perth!!

2c piece hee!! hee!!


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Perth can't be that great to live in, it seems you guys are all a bit angry... :ilikeit:

Hows the size of those chips. :ilikeit:

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Oooh!!!!! What jealousy..... now now let's play nice now......

Chips, what chips......

Relax, the whole of Aussie has been good to all of us, and I for one am so grateful that I have found Perth to be exactly where I need to be to relax after the strain and tension of getting everything together to get my children here for them to enjoy their childhood days which is what they would never have been able to do if we still lived in SA.

So who cares..... Cheers to Australia for letting us experience her beauty.

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No worries Kathyw, don't take me seriously, I'm just poking fun.

In reality I do like Perth, and Melbourne would be a fantastic place to live if we didn't have to travel for 5 hours a day to get to work. They all have ups and downs to me.

Actually, it is strange - there's a massive rivalry between states in Australia (I mean amongst the Australians themselves) - the Victorians hate the NSW's the NSW's hate the Queenslanders, everybody says nothing happens in South Australia, WA is too damn far away... this rivalry is something I never really understood (a bit of banter, sure, but many of them seem to take it very seriously!).

Anyway, I guess it's no different from back home - mostly between the Durbanites, the Capies and the Vaalies.

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Nope, we are still buds Hansaplease, no worries hee!! hee!!

Well I reckon that you have to get to Perth and give up that 5 hours travel time, no nonsense like that here, time is wasted on that, when we have so much to enjoy with our newly founded time in Aussie.

This rivalry is unbelievable hey, I have noticed it. The same in the High Schools, people have names and marks for the schools, I believe that this is part of what the Graphitti is all about as well.

I must admit I have never been to Melbourne, and have heard it is fabulous, so when I win the Auzzie Lotto, will be there for a holiday.....

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I wish they don't advertise that Melbourne is 2nd... every Tom, Dick and Atheist... (I mean Harry) will come to Melbourne... please don't come to Melbourne... the more people that come to Melbourne... it just places so much pressure on house prices etc... don't come to Melbourne, it's not a nice place...

Stay away...


With all the Saffers heading to this great city (pronounced CITI) it will probably be renamed... Mele bonnne..

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Hi all

Well I aint in Australia yet.....but the report serves to highlight why moving Down Under is an even better decision......

Please note that 6 of the worst ranked cities to live in are in Africa......and the worst is just north of the border....talk about urban creep


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I heard recently that Yao Ming (the 7'6" NBA star) was walking down a street in Melbourne, tripped and fell over, hitting his head on the pavement and knocked himself out for a little while.

When he woke up he found his face had been sunburnt while his feet were frostbitten.....apparently because his head and feet were in two different Melbourne suburbs.


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I heard recently that Yao Ming (the 7'6" NBA star) was walking down a street in Melbourne, tripped and fell over, hitting his head on the pavement and knocked himself out for a little while.

When he woke up he found his face had been sunburnt while his feet were frostbitten.....apparently because his head and feet were in two different Melbourne suburbs.



But the even better thing is - his wallet was still in his pocket!

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