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Another strine test for you


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Sawubona!! I got .....12!!! Thank goodness this aint part of the application process otherwise I would never be able to qualify!!!

Funny though !!


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Not coffee babe :whome: ,red bull :ph34r: ( lol ) just lucky I guess, and a weird mind ?? :cry:

WOW Donne'!!!

What coffee are YOU drinking? ;)

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Got 17 for that one! Not bad, but yeah, glad it was not part of my visa appl, otherwise I would have had a hard time!

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15 for me. Must say that I don't hear too many of these strines in Brisbane. Must be a NSW test. Good fun though.

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I got 13, but don't know if I'll get that again-what happened to the English Language over there. I wonder how the average Ozzie will do in a IELTS.

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Naarch, 13 is a damn sight better than I did, so in my opinion you did great!!!!!

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