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Moving From Durbanville-Cape Town to Perth Dec08 & looking for friends!!


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Hi there

Wow...things have happened SO quickly, hubby was offered a job in July...got 457 Visa and he started working there 01 Sep already!! Ive just returned after a 2 week LSD (I think thats the abbreviation) and I will be moving with our 2 children (17 & 14 years) in December. The nerves & emotions are doing a triple flick flack but I am most concerned about the emotional upset my daughter will be faced with (should be going into matric in 2009). To link up with friends in a similar postition would be absolutely wonderful.

Thanks ...and looking forward to hearing from some of you out there!!

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Hi NickyG

Well, all the best with your plans! Not going to Perth, but will be your forum friend!! I also have a son who should be doing Matric in 2009, and one who should start high school and one starting grade one. Lucky you you have your visas and dates to go, we are still waiting. Were hoping to be there in Jan, wait and see when the visa comes through!!


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Hi there NickyG!

We are new to Perth, and also looking to meet new people. Bit younger, no kids, but hey variety is the spice of life?

Good luck with flights and everything, and tell hubby to PM should he need anything, then we can exchange no's etc. We'll help out if we can. And when you arrive, let us know! Where are you planning on living? We'll get together soon!!

Good luck with all the prep, and be safe!!!

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Hi Nicky,

We are also off to Perth in December, have booked tickets for the 27th with SAA. I have 3 boys, 17, 15 and 11 years. We were in Somerset West, but now staying in a rented house in Gordon's Bay. We will be staying in the Joondalup area probably. I must organise schools shortly, I suppose.

My kids are feeling fairly positive at the moment, which I'm glad about because I seem to be getting that cold feet feeling.

Have you booked your flight yet?


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Hi Nicky,

We are also off to Perth in December, have booked tickets for the 27th with SAA. I have 3 boys, 17, 15 and 11 years. We were in Somerset West, but now staying in a rented house in Gordon's Bay. We will be staying in the Joondalup area probably. I must organise schools shortly, I suppose.

My kids are feeling fairly positive at the moment, which I'm glad about because I seem to be getting that cold feet feeling.

Have you booked your flight yet?


Hi Chez

Are you planning on putting your kids into a government or private school?

NichiG, were are you planning on settling in Perth?



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Hi Chez

Are you planning on putting your kids into a government or private school?

NichiG, were are you planning on settling in Perth?



Hi Nicky, Chez and Enrica

Not sure when we are off, but applying for 175 visa...gonna teach in Perth - sent my applications off last week.

My husband and I live in London, UK for now. I have just started a permanent position here in London, so it will be a pity to leave so soon again which is why we decided to wait a bit (actually, I have been here for 5 years). We should have our visas by April 09, but will only emigrate in Oct/Nov/Dec 09 - I think.

:lol: My family used to have a holiday house in Gordons Bay - absolutely beautiful! (and I am from George, Southern Cape). I am LONGING for sunshine, so CANNOT wait to move. I am desperate to go and have my babies in OZ. Would love some open space, safety, sunshine and beach.

I am currently teaching at a Private school here in London, so would love to hear about the private schools in Perth - one can never read up enough about them.

I have heard that many of the Private Schools are Church schools - sounds interesting.

Would love to hear more

best of luck

xxC :lol:

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Hi Chez

Are you planning on putting your kids into a government or private school?

NichiG, were are you planning on settling in Perth?



Ahh yes, hi to Eva too!

Good luck - will be fun to hear from everyone!

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Hi there.

We are from Perth and we love it so much.

Welcome and hope things work out well 4 you and your family.

Good luck.

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We are off to Perth in Jan 09. Not sure where we will be staying, probably NOR, but not as far as Joondalup as husband will work around CBD. Two kids, girl 8, boy 7. Both early 40's. Would love to meet you all there - we know nobody in Perth.


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Dont worry Dabb, there are so many of us(saffers) here now, in no time you will know plenty people.

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Hi everyone,

We are also new in Perth. Just over a month here and so far it's the best place I've been too. We were in Sydney for 5 months. If anyone needs anything please PM me and we can sort something out. We live in Innaloo which is NOR.

Legalbuff: Please let me know if you need company I'm currently not working and is going to a lot of meet and greet stuff. So if you want to we can meet somewhere so that you can join in.


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Hi Enrica,

I will be looking at all schooling options, government or private as long as they have good standards. Can you recommend something in the Joondalup area?


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Hi we hope to be in WA anytime from July2009..

now in the UK, 3 children. will keep my eye on this thread!

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We're also from Cape Town (Parklands) and planning on heading to Perth next year.

Currently we're in the process of applying for a 175 MODL visa. I might consider going over on a 457 next year while my wife completes her last year of studies this side...but that's a beeeeeeg MIGHT :ilikeit: ....how's a husband suppose to survive without his wife. Everyone knows us men cant do a thing for ourselves :blink:

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome. Good to see you coming to Perth. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

Would love to meet you. Staying South Of River (see address). Me 45, Wife 41, son 20, daughter 18 staying in Kalgoorlie.

Contact us to meet up.

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We are also leaving for Perth Jan 2009 (probably around the 15th depending on when our 457 visa comes through)

Would be great to meet you all and share experience and learn about this place we have been dreaming about the past few months!!!

Good luck to you all!


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I'm so happy to see so many people coming to Perth. I never regretted the fact that we came to Australia and it's been two and a half years and we’re still happy. I just hope that more people can make the move. I know that not everybody can do it and I feel sorry for them. I have a friend over in South Africa, Marius Steenkamp and he is a Human Resources Manager/Practitioner. He’s very eager to move to Australia but can’t find anybody to sponsor him because his skills are not needed her. He is one of those that want to make the move but can’t. I feel sorry him and the others.

To change the subject, I wonder how many Australians (born and raised in Australia) would be left in Perth, if you have to take away all the other Nationalities.

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Hi Johan,

Tell your friend to keep looking! There are HEAPS of HR jobs around. I am in the same field, but not ready to take on a fulltime position until next year. But there is lots of work around.

If he has his skills assessed through Vetassess he will get enough points for a skilled independant visa (not sure of his age?). Where there is a will, there is a way!!!



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We will be in Perth in Jan and would love to meet!

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We live in Perth and have 3 kids. My husband daughters age 15 and 13 are joining us in January and so they will start school in February. You are more then welcome to get in contact with us we love meeting new people. Atleast the kids will have something incommen starting new schools. And then we have a boy age 2.

My husband is working away 2 weeks at a time so he comes home on rr for one week.

Hope you have a save flight and hope to hear from you soon.


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Anje i am so glad the girls will be with you from next year! How exciting!

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Hi Nicky

My brother is already working close to Joondalup and his family (wife and two kids aged 10 & 15) fly out there on 1 Dec. The kids have come up with a great suggestion...the Aussie schools are on until 16 Dec and they have asked if they could attend school for 2 weeks to meet and greet as they will have almost 2 months of holiday until schools re-open in Feb. That way they feel they can make some friends before holidays start.

Maybe worth a try - even to figure out what the youth do and where in their spare time.

Good luck! My husband and I are desperately trying to find work (to qualify for a 457 visa) and join them in Perth.

Mamma Mia

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