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Aussie Joke

Just B

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An Englishman wanted to become an Irishman, so he visited a doctor to find out how to go about this. "Well" said the doctor, "this is a very delicate operation and there is a lot that can go wrong. I will have to remove half your brain". "That's OK" said the Englishman. "I've always wanted to be Irish and I'm prepared to take the risk".

The operation went ahead but the Englishman woke to find a look of horror on the face of the doctor. "I'm so terribly sorry!!" the doctor said. "Instead of removing half the brain, I've taken the whole brain out". The patient replied, "No worries, mate!!"


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LMAO!! Thanks B!!! am going to remenmber this one for future use!! if I am ever put on the back foot

in OZ!

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LMAO!! Thanks B!!! am going to remenmber this one for future use!! if I am ever put on the back foot

in OZ!

Awesome Terence wasnt it had me lMAO!! thanks justb :blink:

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No bro, he walked in wearing a Sharks jersey and walked out wearing a blue bulls jersey.

Ghee! Ghee!

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