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Part Time Evening Work for a Student


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Hi there Everyone!

I am moving to Melbourne in January 2009 on a Student Visa! Can't wait :ilikeit:

Due to Visa restrictions I am only allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week. Because I will be in class everyday of the week (Monday to Friday) from 9am to 5pm, I have no choice but to work during the evenings. With these 20 hours I need to earn enough money to pay for rent and all my other living expenses. So I would need to earn NO less than about $25 per hour :whome:

I have been looking at www.seek.com.au and other websites and there just aren't part-time jobs that offer this type of salary. Does anyone...ANYONE out there...know for sure of places e.g. Coles, Woolworths etc. where one can earn $25 per hour working in the evenings?!

I am really worried about being down and out and not being able to afford to live decently! Also, if you don't know of specific places where the hourly rate is high...do you know of recruitment agencies who help people like me find "casual" part-time work?

I look forward to hearing everyone's suggestions and advice :hug:

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Mara lives in Melbourne. She's "the man" for you as she's got her knowledge and background in knowing the local situation.

Send a PM asking for help in this problem.

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For night jobs, I would probally recommend getting a night fill position at a supermarket, Kmart, target etc. Basically it involves restocking the shelves in the evenings. But I think the salary is about $20 an hour, I think you might battle to find a position paying more then that. The good news though is on your visa you are only resricted to the 20 hours during school terms. Maybe if you rework you budget taking into account 40 or more hour work a week during school holidays you could maybe live on a slightly smaller wage per hour? Otherwise you might be able to get some casual work like cleaning houses, babysitting etc on weekends that are cash in the hand sort of jobs. Obviously the cons are if you are caught this would breach your visa conditions and it could be cancelled.


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Hi Polly

Although you can earn good money as a waitress, it would be the hourly rate you negotiate with your employer as tipping is not really done in Australia.

Unfortunately I have no idea where you would earn the most, but if you can get yourself a job in a pub as a barmaid, I would guess that it could perhaps pay well.

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Thanks Everyone for your replies ;)

Candice, unfortunately the course that I am doing (Hairdressing) runs throughout the year. I don't get a single holiday except two weeks off in December! So working full time during the holidays would have been great but unfortunately not an option for me :(

I did read a post about potential earnings in part time jobs where you can earn $25 an hour at Woolworths packing shelves...but that seems too good to be true. I would love to hear from someone who actually works in a super market at night and what their hourly rate is...I am pretty sure that some 24hr super markets pay more than others?!?!

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Construction sites offer good wages for labour.

Cleaners earn about 25 bucks an hour.

Have you thought about a job with the post office? Work about 4-5 hours a day and you are looking at about 40-50k a year

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I got just under $20 per hour packing shelves at Coles at night. They generally pay students even less - from what I understand the pay goes by how old you are. I'm in my thirthies. Then obviously once you have more experience you will earn more.

www.seek.com.au (click on advanced search, select location etc and work type - part time)



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How about getting parttime work at a hairdressers, since you are doing a course for that? Seen a lot of salons advertising for apprentices, etc. Sure it will pay better than anything else you can get.

So Mara, do I not need to tip when we go out here?

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No tipping in Australia, there is a service fee included in your bill.

No, unfortunatly, supermarket work does not pay $25.00 per hour, thats really wishful thinking.

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I am not sure but have a look here www.skilled.com.au they have all sorts of jobs at all sort of hours. You can also go into there office tell them what you need and they will work around you. It is there job to do that, if they get you work that means money in there pocket.


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How about getting parttime work at a hairdressers, since you are doing a course for that? Seen a lot of salons advertising for apprentices, etc. Sure it will pay better than anything else you can get.

So Mara, do I not need to tip when we go out here?


Australia is NOT America.

America was built on massive migration using cheap labour all the time.

Australians always insisted that any migrant coming into Australia would be paid Australian wages.

Big difference.

Australians have always had the "Award" system whereby an Australian worker is required to be paid a "living" wage. It goes back to Harvester industrial wage case in 1907 where a worker was deemed to be a family man with a wife and three kids and needed a wage to support them all.

In America, a waiter / waitress are paid as low as $3 an hour. They can't possibly live off that and require tips to make their pay up. It is just cheap labour. . . . and Americans dining out know that, so tip for service.

In Australia it would be illegal to pay a wage as low as that to an Australian worker . . . . . . and Australians dining at an Australian restaurant don't expect to pay tips to a worker they know is getting a liveable wage of a lot more than $3 an hour!.

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I got just under $20 per hour packing shelves at Coles at night. They generally pay students even less - from what I understand the pay goes by how old you are. I'm in my thirthies. Then obviously once you have more experience you will earn more.

Lara's right. Your hourly rate depends on your age. At my husband's place of work there is a 17 year old doing the same job of work as a 40 year old, and the teen gets paid WAY less. But even the teen is getting more than $20 per hour, could be because it's in Sydney?

At our local Woolworths the older ladies usually work mornings only and the students all work in the afternoon. Much less expensive for the company, with a savings of up to $40 per day on a single checkout point. Checkout tellers usually get paid more than shelf packers, so try to opt for that if possible.

As Bob says, labour is expensive here, because everyone gets a fair wage.



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Try Bunnings, my son work nigh shift from 17:00 to 23:00 and was earning around $20 an hour.

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How do you actually get jobs at places like KMart, Target, Coles, IGA etc etc. I registered quite a few months back and still have not heard anything.

I checked on the websites again today and they still have my info but no jobs.................


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Kathy, it took me more than 6 months to get a job at Coles. I did have 2 offers before but the locations and times weren't suitable. Good luck.

quote name='KathyW' date='Nov 6 2008, 04:54 PM' post='167520']

How do you actually get jobs at places like KMart, Target, Coles, IGA etc etc. I registered quite a few months back and still have not heard anything.

I checked on the websites again today and they still have my info but no jobs.................


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