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At last we are finished packing the last stuff, and then we are on our way to the airport. It has been a very sad weekend. My father flew in from George yesterday, and when I heard his voice, I cried so much, I though I will never stop. Saying goodbye to my mother this morning was very hard, and I will never forget her standing at the door, crying as she waves one last time. It's really breaking my heart, seeing them like that.

Will let you know when we finally arrive!!

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Sterkte vir die vlug en die nuwe aanpassing in Aus. Ek weet sommer julle gaan dit baie daar geniet. Laat weet as jy 'n tydjie het, hoe alles verloop het.

Sterkte ek dink vandag baie aan julle xx

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I wish you strength to deal with this difficult time. I am sure you are now on your way to Oz and your new life. Good luck and keep us posted.


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Haai Olka dink juis toe nou gister en vanoggend aan julle. Hoop julle vlieg lekker.

See you in Brissie!! The bestest City in Aussie!!

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that is so great, look forward to hearing from you soon..tell us all about the flight and so on....it seems like yesterday when we werre all stressing about our ielts!!!!! do you remember!!

big hugs

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Hi Olka

We wish you all the very best - at times it really isn't easy - but all worth it in the end!

Keep strong

Please let us know how you get on.

Good luck with everything


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